
T-Shirt: Scientists Are Supposed To:

Original price was: $59.99.Current price is: $49.99.



Front Side of T-Shirt:

Scientists Are Supposed To:

  1. Theorize
  2. Analyze data
  3. Draw logical conclusions
  4. Design Solutions

Back Side of T-Shirt:

Too often these days, Scientists:

  1. Fantasize that there’s no God
  2. Lie and delete/edit the evidence that God does exist
  3. Draw, not conclusions, but illogical fantasies
  4. Fail to design solutions

Does anyone else see a pattern here?

Notes: I designed this T-Shirt because I’ve seen all 3 versions of the movie called “Hubble”!  In the first version they show fully formed “baby solar systems” that are highly compressed.  The sun in each one is not ignited because it would self destruct the object!  In the second and third versions there’s no pictures of these baby solar systems, but you can tell that the original movie has been digitally edited to present their “preference of reality”!  In the second version the dust trails that were caused in reality by the baby solar systems are still visible, but the narrator says that they are created by “solar winds”!  In the 3rd version they erased almost all of the dust trails, so that they don’t have to talk about “solar winds” anymore…that’s just stupid!  Who in their right mind would believe that solar winds exist in space?!

I can understand why they edited the first version!  They don’t want to promote the idea that God exists, so they just could NOT ALLOW the first version to continue!  I mean there’s just too many questions!  Like WHO guides each baby solar system to its destination?  WHO expands the solar system when it arrives?  And last, but certainly not least, WHO ignites the sun?  The obvious answer to all of these queries is GOD!  So version #1 had to be “eliminated”!  Which they did by digitally editing the video!

So what kind of people are these NASA “scientists”?  Well they are certainly NOT SCIENTISTS!  They are unbelievably foolish LIARS!  They are foolishly trying to convince EVERYONE that GOD does NOT EXIST!  And they are willing to do ANY AMOUNT of Lying and editing to convince everyone on Earth that God is just a myth!

But that’s not where they stopped!  NO, they kept going and “invented” what I call a “mini big bang” to represent their idea of what a “baby solar system” should look like if there’s no God!  A hot dust cloud where the dust eventually condenses into planets!  They call these completely IMAGINARY OBJECTS “ProtoPlanetary Disks”!  But not ONE of these objects has EVER existed or EVER will exist!  This is a complete LIE!  So, again, what kind of scientists are they?  NONE!!! They are NOT SCIENTISTS!!!  Just a bunch of LIARS!

To top it all off, they came up with a special low rumbling sound for the new imaginary object!  I guess they want you to believe that there’s an atmosphere in empty space!  Sound cannot travel in a vacuum!  So who do they think is going to believe this garbage?  Do they think we’re total idiots?

So, now that you’ve heard my story, you can tell my story if someone asks you about the T-Shirt you are wearing!  If they don’t believe it, they can read it for themselves right here on my website!



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