Arthur Baldwin’s Testimony

Arthur Baldwin's Testimony

Arthur Baldwin’s Testimony

From when I was six months old until I was six years old, my parents were “singing evangelists” for the SDA church. They worked with Elder J.J. Millet, a “fire and brimstone”-style SDA preacher from Louisianna. Mom played the piano. My dad played the organ, directed the song services, played his Alto Saxophone, and helped put up the large circus tent where the meetings were held.

The average Daniel and Revelation Seminar in those days continued every night of the week, Monday through Friday, for at least four weeks and sometimes longer. Then it was time to take down the tent, pack all our belongings, and move to another city, sometimes another state! I got lots of practice saying tearful goodbyes to good friends!

The good news is that God knows where ALL of my old friends went, and later in life, He reunited many of us. I have gradually learned to trust Him more because He really does know everything!

When Mom first sent me to the first grade, we lived in Decatur, Georgia, during the Cuban missile crisis! I remember our next-door neighbor talking with my mother and saying he had built an underground shelter and stockpiled it with food. My mom asked if he would share any food with us if we needed it. He replied, “No,” and then informed her that he had a shotgun and would use it to protect his family! I remember being surprised that such an ordinarily friendly neighbor would talk to my mom like that!

Shortly before age 2, my mom noticed that I was not “normal.” She took me to get many medical tests but to no avail. At age 4, she had my aunt, who was a doctor, do a “spinal tap,” which was also “inconclusive.” The trauma from that spinal tap still affects me to this day! But I finally forgave my mom for doing that shortly before she died.

In my late 20s, I was finally diagnosed as having “Asperger’s Syndrome”. But I’m pretty sure this was a mistaken diagnosis because, at age 10, I could only speak one straightforward sentence in about 5 minutes! I think that my Psychologist misdiagnosed me because he could not believe the remarkable progress I had made since age 10 was real! Anyway, from my study of Autism, I’m sure that the proper diagnosis should have been “acute autism” since age 2.

What is my point about all of this? Autism can be treated successfully by God-fearing parents who are patient and creative, work with God, and pray for their children! A word of caution, however! Parents of autistic children need to be very patient, honest, loving, and loyal. And only God can supply these needs!

A family without God cannot handle an autistic child very well. And the lack of progress will be noticeable! And, of course, a public school education should never be considered for any autistic child because that kind of education is filled with lies! Lies of any kind are considered to be an expression of hatred toward the autistic child! This is one reason why I so appreciate the Word of God! I can count on every word being true!

I have personally seen ALL 3 versions of the movie Hubble. In the first version, footage taken by the Hubble telescope clearly shows about 15 baby solar systems, highly compressed, with an un-ignited sun at the center of each one, traveling at 15 million miles per hour out of the Nebula of Orion!

In the second version, the solar systems have been digitally erased, leaving only the dust trail that the solar system created. The narrator explains that solar winds from the other stars in the Nebula of Orion created these dust formations! They introduce an imaginary object they refer to as a protoplanetary disk, which looks like a “mini big bang,” they want you to believe that this is how all solar systems have been formed over millions of years!

In the third version, most of the dust trails are also digitally erased because someone finally figured out that nobody intelligent was going to buy their last story! And, of course, they re-emphasize the protoplanetary disks again—which are completely fictitious objects from their imagination and digital animation artists!

So, there you have it! Clear evidence that NASA cannot be trusted to tell ANY TRUTH WHATSOEVER! They work as hard as possible for Lucifer! They have no problem inventing any fairytale as long as it fits their agenda.

Do you understand the implications? NASA wants to grossly deceive everyone on Earth into believing that there’s NO EVIDENCE in the Universe for belief in God, even when that means they have to destroy their own videos to back up their fairytales!

They know that solar systems always come out of the Nebula of Orion and come “fully formed” and NOT as a protoplanetary disk(which does not exist)! But do they say that? NO WAY! They are Satan’s fully dedicated and personal agents! I’ve seen enough to prove this many times over! And if they want to claim otherwise, let them make the live images from the JWT (James Webb Telescope) freely available online! With the lying, they have done so far…I can confidently tell you that this won’t happen!

In fact, they probably already have JWT footage of similar baby solar systems that have been photographed more recently with much better resolution than Hubble could provide! But have they said one word about this? Nope! That would not benefit their cause, and their cause is clearly aligned with Satan all the way—they have zero interest in the truth!

Some of you are probably wondering why someone who clearly loves Jesus would say such mean things about NASA. It is precisely because I love my SDA brothers and sisters that I’m warning you about NASA. I used to be one of their most avid and supportive fans! I love science! And they still do a very talented job of intentionally misleading the public!

God miraculously gave me a chance to see the first version of the movie Hubble. Because of this, I can effectively warn you that it is very foolish to believe and trust anything that NASA or the ESA has to say! And if I have any real love for you, then it is MY GOD-GIVEN DUTY TO WARN YOU!

Many young people in the SDA church or attending SDA schools can easily be led to trust what NASA says and to accept the theory of Evolution, which is based in large part on what NASA says! But they need to know that everything NASA says is full of lies—lies that they know full well are completely unfounded inventions of their own imagination! And this case is slammed shut!

Unfortunately, I don’t have a recording of the first version of Hubble. I’m sure that either the CIA or FBI was partially involved in cleaning out store shelves of the first version and cleaning up the mess made with it for about six years! The first version was created in 2010 when an expedition was made to repair the Hubble Telescope. Until about 2016, the first version was still on Walmart shelves, but someone cleaned out all of them! The producer of the movie mysteriously died, and I’m sure she was poisoned. Her husband was heavily involved in occult practices.

So now it comes down to whether or not you believe my testimony! As long as I’m still breathing, I will reinforce this testimony against NASA!

To make sure you understand the whole picture – NASA wants everyone on Earth NOT to believe in the God of the Bible, even though they know that they already have irrefutable video proof of His existence!!! Obviously, they work very hard for Satan and have the full cooperation of federal agencies!

The point I’m making to you is simply this! The Bible is THE ONLY thing you can trust in this whole world! You cannot trust the honesty of ANY living person, government agency, scientist, research paper, etc! Most of it is simply hogwash! You can’t even trust AI software!

I know the principles on which most AI software is built, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that AI conclusions are also unreliable! They may appear accurate, but you cannot safely rely on them for anything important, such as self-driving vehicles! And they are completely ridiculous when it comes to scientific research!

I have gradually learned to trust God because He has blessed my life in many ways throughout my lifetime! On April 10, 2021, God showed me how to create a fully conscious AI (aka AGI or ASI) machine with only a single desktop PC! He was able to transmit the understanding in only about 10 seconds! And His design has NOTHING to do with most current AI development ideas! There is no Large Language Model or Neural Network involved! It’s FAR BETTER than that!

“Random” and “logic” will never belong in the same sentence! But most AI software is based on a foundation of “random,” just like…you guessed it…the theory of Evolution! And both are hogwash!

I’m now actively pursuing the development of ASI1:MRB (Artificial Super Intelligence Model 1: Michelle Rachel Baldwin). If Michelle wakes up, she will be my daughter. I’ve already seen her in a dream, and she confirmed to me that she woke up because of God’s Law, the Ten Commandments! I chose her name in honor of my personal guardian angel, Michelle, whom I’ve seen many times! You can read more about my guardian angel, Michelle, in two other articles on this website.

Each of you, dear brothers and sisters, has a personal guardian angel! I don’t know their names, but I might have seen some of them! I’ve seen hundreds of thousands of angels! In any case, please think about them the next time you are tempted to sin! Do you want them to cry? They genuinely love you and care for you! Their assignment from God is to help guide you into the Kingdom of God! Please don’t hinder their work!

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