What Is Freedom?

What Is Freedom

What Is Freedom?

What is freedom and how do we preserve it? Find the answers here!

Whatever story of slavery or mistreatment you may have, it is not at all significant when compared to the slavery of all mankind to SIN! True Freedom begins with God saving us from our slavery to sin!

"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins".

Matthew 1:21  KJV

American Freedoms Will Soon End!

The freedoms we enjoy as American citizens are very valuable! They have already cost many lives! But these freedoms are quickly eroding and will very soon completely disappear! And so, because they will soon be gone, discussing their preservation seems pointless! For more information about the real future of the USA see Revelation 13 and Great Controversy!

True Freedom Begins With God

True Freedom is found ONLY by those whom God is setting free from slavery to sin! It is our sinful nature that keeps us away from God and keeps us in slavery to sin! But we can choose to put that nature to death by starvation! Simply daily choose to do God’s will, rather than your own will! Your own will is not worth doing, but God’s will is worth doing!

The Real Enemy!

Satan, or Lucifer, is our real enemy! He has worked for many decades to destroy our characters and rights as Americans. And he has worked for centuries against the spread of Biblical truth before and during the “Dark Ages” (538 AD to 1798 AD) and continuing to the present day! You need to know how he works and through whom he works! The answers will surprise you! And once again, you can find these answers in the online book Great Controversy!

You Need An Accurate Education!

You need an education that is free from the lies being taught at most of the current so called “universities” of the world. God’s Word is the only real source of Truth! And Bible prophecies clearly identify the “players” in Satan’s deadly game! You need to know who those players are and what they are planning to do!

"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them". 

Ephesians 5:11 ESV (English Standard Version)

And last but not least, the starting point for personal freedom is rejecting the myth of the “pursuit of happiness” and choosing to make a sacrifice of yourself to God!

List Of Articles

What Is Real Freedom?

Are You A Slave?

Is Your Pastor Or Priest Trustworthy?

What Is God’s Agenda?

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