Musical Gems

Musical Gems 1
Musical Gems

Musical Gems

Musical Gems was added because some of my favorite songs are not found in the SDA Hymnal! And the songs in the Category “Defending Lyrics” are all found in the SDA Hymnal! Each one of the songs here is so special to me that I simply “have to” share it with you! I sincerely hope that this collection will be as great a blessing to you, as it has been to me!

By the way, God has a special way of getting me to write articles about various songs! He makes sure that one particular song is playing inside my head, over and over again, like a “broken record”! He keeps it going for at least 24 hours, or until I give up and write the article for Him! So, if you have a “broken record” inside your head, maybe you should write an article for Him. Maybe you should “pay attention” and write an article about it for this very website page!

Here’s a link to the latest “broken record” in my head: My Heart Would Be Your Bethlehem!

Yes, it’s still playing in my head because the article is started, but not finished! See the link below for the current status!

Fountainview Academy

Fountainview Academy is a Seventh Day Adventist Academy which has always been founded upon the principles outlined in the book “Education” by Ellen G. White. Their focus is on spreading the Gospel message with Music! Every student participates in both the Choir and Orchestra. Their slogan is “Building Character”, if you have not seen any of their music videos on YouTube yet. Quite a bit of their music will be featured here in the future!

Since both of my real parents have passed on now, I consider both the students and staff at Fountainview Academy to be my real family! And I’m certain that you will develop the same attitude after you have listened to a few music videos that they have produced!

By the way, if you have not subscribed to their YouTube channel, you are missing a golden opportunity to see and hear the most valuable musical content on all of YouTube! And if you want to view their music without any ads, then sign up with Fountainview.TV! Not only will you be “ad free” there, but you will be directly financially supporting the school.

My Heart Would Be Your Bethlehem

Now I Belong to Jesus!

Twin Hymns

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