Autism: A Frustrating Language Barrier


Autism: A Frustrating Language Barrier

What is Autism? Do You Have An Autistic Child? This page might help a little bit! My own story may encourage you and I have listed some other resources here as well.

Another Resource: Here’s a very helpful article about autism: What Causes Autism In Children? 6 Facts You Need to Know

Do You Really Trust The CDC?

The CDC says, in the article above, that vaccines don’t cause Autism. But I would recommend that you take what the CDC says with a Tablespoon full of salt, so to speak! Personally, I’m not sure if certain vaccines might cause Autism. But I’m very certain that dairy products can cause Autism! And dairy products probably are the primary source of Autism! I was raised on a vegetarian diet. But we also ate a lot of dairy products throughout my childhood! And I’m pretty well convinced that this is the main reason I have Autism!


Dairy Products Are Bad Nutrition!

I know that dairy products ARE very harmful, and I think they are also the cause of MOST “Auto-Immune” diseases! That would include such diseases as Psoriasis, Arthritis, Diabetes Type I, various cancers, Lupus, and many others. I’ve had type I diabetes since age 11. For example, my brother does not have type I diabetes, but he does have Psoriasis, Eczema, and Dystonia. A study really needs to be done to see if there is any correlation between dairy products and the onset of ANY “auto-immune” disease. The study should not exclude any “auto-immune” disease because ANY of them might appear!

Personally, I just can’t fathom why no study like this has been attempted. It seems like a very obvious answer, just waiting to be “stumbled upon”! So, any medical student who wants a new and interesting study…here you go! Let’s find out the answer!

So why would dairy products create “autoimmune” diseases? Because God designed a mother cow’s milk to nourish…you guessed it…BABY COWS, not HUMANS!

The Original Diet

The original diet of Adam and Eve was vegan. It did not include dairy products or meat of any kind. They ate only “plant-based” foods! Since they sinned, we have not “evolved” but rather have “devolved” and deteriorated. We have lost probably thousands of species of edible plant-based foods through our neglect! God designed all the plant-based kingdoms to provide more than enough nutrition for our bodies needs!

When we eat any kind of meat, no matter how high the quality, we alert our own immune system that foreign invaders are attacking our body, and the entire body becomes “inflamed”! This causes great harm to our whole system! But plant-based foods DO NOT cause any such alarm to be raised!

The point here is that everything we eat needs to be something that God has designed for us to eat! When we eat processed foods, we’re asking for trouble! When we eat any kind of meat, we’re literally eating poison! God intended for us to eat plant-based foods in as natural a form as possible! Yes, some plant-based foods, such as grains and beans, must be cooked for good nutrition, but we should try to keep things as “unprocessed” as possible!

Diet Is Important!

I firmly believe that Autism is caused by an improper diet! It is obviously caused by a lack of proper nutrition, especially for brain development!

Honesty And Loyalty

One more very important thing about Autism! Nothing else is as important to your child with Autism as your honesty with him or her! And your loyalty to them, no matter what opinions they might share with you! They often feel that it is “you and them against the world,” and when your loyalty is in question, that world they live in is starting to crumble!

My Experience With Autism

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