Deception: Immortality Of The Soul!

Deception: Immortality Of The Soul

Deception: Immortality Of The Soul!

Deception: Immortality Of The Soul! This lie has been repeated many times by Protestant pastors by telling people that “they go straight to heaven or hell immediately after they die”! A dying person might have some thoughts for a few moments after their heart stops beating, yes! But someone who is completely dead never has another thought, until they are “resurrected! Death never includes ANY consciousness!

Here’s another good study on this topic! Are The Dead Really Dead?

This video makes this topic very clear!

Also, remember that we have a Bible Studies area here as well!

Soul Means Body & Spirit!

Everywhere the Bible says “soul,” it means BOTH the body and the “spirit” or “breath of God”! In other words, according to the Bible, a “soul” is a living human being, not a disembodied spirit! The belief that there is consciousness after death is just another form of the first lie ever told!

Only God Has Immortality!

If it were true that a person did have conscious thought after death, then the Bible would be lying when it very clearly states that only God has immortality!

14 That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ:

15 Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords;

16 Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.

1 Timothy 6: 14-16  KJV

Is Your Pastor Above The Bible?

If a person is still conscious after their death, then by definition they are “immortal” because they are still thinking! They might be missing a body, but they still have experiences and conscious thoughts! So they are by definition “immortal”! But God’s Word says that Jesus (God) “Who only hath immortality”! So the question is, do you believe God’s Word? Or your pastor?

Pastors Can Be Wrong!

Pastors are sinful human beings just like you and me (and so is the pope)! They can be wrong! But God’s Word is never wrong! Millions of Christians died by decree of the papacy so that you and I can have access to the Bible! Do you appreciate the Bible as God’s Word to you? Or would you rather just follow a popular preacher?

What Is Heresy?

The actual definition of the word “heresy” is “to make up one’s own mind what is truth”! But this is precisely what God wants His true followers to DO! He wants us to read HIS WORD, the Bible, FOR OURSELVES, and decide what the truth really is, based upon His Word and our relationship with Him! He does NOT want us to depend on our pastor or priest for the truth! So you can truthfully say that “God wants heretics”! And I, for one, am proud to be a heretic!

Jesus Cares What You Believe!

Was the choice to die for your sins and mine a “personal choice” for Jesus Christ? That’s as personal as it is possible to get! Do you think Jesus cares whom you choose to believe? You bet your life He DOES!

Study For Yourself!

So, the choice, my friend, is up to you! Will you study God’s Word for yourself? Or will you just swallow whatever your pastor or priest says and “hope for the best”? Your salvation is too important for that! “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 KJV

Time Is Very Short!

The world is about to end! The freedom to publish websites like this one will soon be removed from everyone! If you think that the USA will always support personal freedoms, you are sadly mistaken! (see Great Controversy)

You Are Valuable!

The value of something is equal to the price that is paid for it! God paid literally ALL that He could pay for you by the death of His Son!

Persecution Is Coming!

“Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” 2 Timothy 3:12 KJV The word “shall” is an Old English legal term that means quite literally “it IS GOING TO HAPPEN”!