Faith And Works

Faith And Works

Faith And Works

Believe it or not, “Faith and Works” is the primary focus of the entire “Great Controversy” between Christ and Satan that has been going on for over 6,000 years! To me, this is one of the most interesting and deep studies that anyone can find within the treasure house of God’s Word! This subject is at the very center of Satan’s primary accusations against God! Are you unknowingly fighting against God? Study this subject for yourself to find out!

Righteousness By Faith (RBF)!

This same subject matter is also known as “Righteousness By Faith” or “RBF” for short. The leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist church rejected it for the most part at the 1888 General Conference Session. But since that time, many SDA pastors have accepted this truth!

The first 14 chapters of “The Great Controversy” by Ellen White reveal that RBF was Satan’s primary target in the dark ages! But after the pope was taken captive in 1798 AD, Satan found other ways to subvert the message!

Ellen White said of the 1888 rejection of RBF that it was rejected “because it lays the glory of man in the dust”! But why should this matter? We already know that Revelation 3:14-22 is primarily referring to the SDA church!

Our goal is to be in harmony with God and His Kingdom! We have no real reason for pride! In fact, we have good reason to be ashamed since it is fairly obvious that most of us would rather enjoy this life than do much for the Lord!

We say that we love God, but do we? We know that God loves the people around us. We know that God considers the 3 Angels’ Messages the most important truth we must share with everyone! Is it “too difficult” to love those around us whom God loves? And how should we express that love?

Exactly! By sharing the message that God has given to us! You know, the message that God’s messenger said, “We should allow Nothing else to absorb our attention”! Testimonies For The Church volume 9, chapter 2, first paragraph.

The Latter Rain is given for ONLY ONE REASON! It provides power for presenting the “Loud Cry,” which contains the “3 Angels’ Messages” and Revelation 18! In fact, Revelation 18 defines the “Loud Cry” and repeats the “Second Angel’s Message” in greater detail!

Yes, it is a very difficult message to deliver. Only those who cultivate a real and deep love for the lost can bear the task. All other attempts will surely fail. And ONLY the love of Christ can motivate us enough to fulfill this task!

This requires every SDA to recommit their lives to Christ! It requires a deep and thorough reformation! We must learn again what it really means to love our Saviour! This begins with following His request found in John 14:15-21 KJV! Even the disciples didn’t understand this request when they first heard it! We must “listen again” and take it to heart!

The final events have already begun! Half a million people were recently baptized in New Guinea, a very small country. The time for reformation is here! There’s no more time for “enjoying life”! The only real reason for the time left is to “finish the work”!

Do you even know the message? Is the love of Christ in your heart? Are you ready to share the message? How ready are you to actually give the message?

Here’s another good study on this topic: A Faith That Really Works!

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Faith AND Works Simplified

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