Fear And Death

Fear And Death

Fear And Death

How can we deal with fear and death? The Bible has very clear answers!

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love".  1 John 4:18  KJV

“Perfect love” is found only in a relationship with God Himself! So ONLY by having a relationship with God can we find relief from our fears!

All other “routes” will leave you with the same fears and you’ll be severely crippled!

Here’s another resource for further study: Bible Verses About Fear

Is Tonight Your Last Night?

Are you afraid that tonight is your “last night” of life? Let’s assume for the moment that you are correct! Tonight is your last night! Do you have any regrets about how you have lived your life so far? Talk about those regrets with your Heavenly Father! Confess your sins. Share your deepest thoughts and feelings with Him!

Perhaps He will allow you to live another day, so that you might have a chance to live for Him! Perhaps now you will learn to put Him first in your life! If you wake up again in the morning, thank Him for another day and ask Him what you should do with that day!

Ask your Heavenly Father for the courage to live another day for Him! Death is an unavoidable part of life! But to those who know God as their personal friend, death is just a little “nap” until the Second Coming of Jesus! For this kind of person death is not a major concern. Their real concern is with how they are living! Are they bringing glory to God by their own actions?

A Hero or Heroine is someone who dies for their loved one. This is part of the definition of those words! How do you want to be “remembered”? As someone who was afraid of death? Or as someone who encouraged others to live well? When you have Jesus living inside, fear loses its grip on your heart! And you can face death without fear!

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