Love And Hope

Love And Hope

Love And Hope

The source of love and hope is Jesus. Love and hope appear and grow as you read God’s Word, the Bible. “Self love” isn’t love but selfishness and does not belong in the life of a Christian! Real love is what Jesus demonstrated. It is always self sacrificing! And only by love, can love be awakened!

The very BEST Love Story: Song Of Solomon (Please read all 8 chapters!)

Jesus’ love awakens our love! Hope is the result of knowing Jesus! It is only our walk with Jesus that can inspire us to love others and give us the hope that we desire!

“Self help” books are ALL empty! Don’t waste you time with them! Only God’s Word has the answers you are so desperately seeking!

Close to 100 million people were tortured and mercilessly slaughtered by the papacy from 538 AD to 1798 AD so that you could have the privilege of reading the Bible in your own language and in your own home! Do you appreciate this fact? What will you do about this?

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