


The picture above is the best example I could think of for describing real loyalty! Jesus was loyal to His Father’s will in carrying out the plan of redemption. He “became sin for us, who knew no sin”! This was not a “fun exercise”! His humanity “shrank” from the dreaded ordeal! Yet He prayed, “nevertheless Father, not My will but thine be done”!

Another resource: Practicing Supreme Loyalty To Christ

But this was NOT the beginning of this project! Not by a long shot! The plan started even before Lucifer first rebelled in heaven and before the Earth was first created! And ALL of Heaven has been intimately involved in the process since BEFORE Adam and Eve sinned! And Jesus Himself was involved at every step of the way, even before He was “born of Mary”!

We see an example of this in Daniel 10:13 “But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia”. Jesus, in His “pre-existent form” is also known as “Michael” and is here shown to be directly involved in influencing the King of Persia to make a law which would help fulfill the prophecies concerning the Messiah!

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