An Engineer’s View Of Evolution

An Engineer's View Of Evolution

An Engineer’s View Of Evolution

If you really want to understand my views, listen to this song!

My Experience

“An Engineer’s View Of Evolution” relates to my experience as a self-taught Electronics Engineer, software developer, and AI developer.

During the last 20 years, I’ve witnessed the amount of scientific evidence against the theory of Evolution rise in an exponential curve.

Over twenty years ago, my personal opinion of Evolution was that scientific evidence could not support the theory. But since 2011, I have seen so much scientific evidence against Evolution that I cannot understand why ANY reasonable scientist would still admit to believing in it. So, the only remaining logical answer is that they don’t want to believe in God! And that desire overpowers their thinking ability!

155 WUP Walter Veith & Martin Smith – Creation vs Evolution, Is Science Right And The Bible Wrong?

Recent Discoveries

On April 10, 2021, God showed me how to make the most efficient ASI machine possible! Recently, I decided to go ahead and develop one. Many people have been praying for me about this issue! And God gave me a reassuring answer. God told me to “relax” and don’t hurry! This is between Him and me! It’s His way of having an extra special relationship with me! Another thing He said was, “Don’t neglect MY website”! And this is the website to which He was referring!

I need to share a few key points with you because they are so valuable!

The human brain is a “self-optimizing database”, and any good-quality ASI will also be the same thing: a self-optimizing database! This raises another question: “If this is true, then have we not scientifically proven that there IS a God and that He DESIGNED us“? The answer is a very obvious YES!

Sorry to burst the bubble of some AI researchers, but a genuinely successful ASI will NOT involve any kind of “neural network” or “large language model”! In fact, that is probably the worst way to do things.

And how did we get “neural networks” and LLMs (Large Language Models)? Because the people doing that kind of research believed in Evolution and not in God! So, of course, they did it wrong!

There is one very clear benefit to doing AI research “the wrong way”! The one thing that is beneficial about the current design of ChatGPT, for example, is that it is more “controllable” than a real ASI machine! Which brings me to the most important point!

There Are 2 Laws Of Intelligence:

  1. Intelligence, whether human or artificial, cannot be controlled!
  2. Love is the ONLY solution to the problems caused by Law #1!

At least now, you know all the important things God taught me about ASI!

I’m issuing a challenge to the scientific community today. Ready? The day I can buy a computer motherboard that can literally rewire itself (change the copper traces on the board) while it’s running, I’ll consider giving the theory of Evolution a serious look. This happens inside the human brain every second of every day! Given this scientifically accepted fact, how can I believe that God did NOT Design my brain? Nothing is quite as foolish as that idea!

Do a little Google-based research on how your brain works and changes! I’m not going to do that work for you! Yes, the foolishness of Evolutionists would be funny if the situation were not so tragic! Unfortunately, believing in Evolution has dire consequences for everyone!

A Christian who believes in Evolution cannot be a true Christian! Why? Because that means that death cannot be the result of sin (as the Bible clearly teaches) but is instead a “good” feature of nature (or of God Himself)! The Bible says that Jesus “conquered death” and that death is an “enemy.” Does that sound like death is God’s invention? Yet, this is precisely what Christians who believe in a longer Creation week (aka Evolution) are supporting!

And, hang on to your seats, there’s more! God’s true followers are to give three last-day messages just before the return of Jesus. “The 3 Angels’ Messages” can be found in Revelation 14:6-11. Yes, go and read them in your favorite version of the Bible! So that you know, verses 1 through 5 and 12 are like “bookends,” which describe the group giving these three messages to the world.

I will quote the first angel’s message for this article. You are welcome to read the other two messages later.

“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, ‘Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.’” Revelation 14:6, 7 KJV

This is quite literally a call, directly from God, for YOU to “give up” on the theory of Evolution and to worship the REAL GOD who designed everything in nature and did a far better job than any human being could ever imagine designing anything! The message is not hard to understand, even though it’s “old English”! It’s a really simple message! Now it’s time for YOU to pay attention!

What harm is there in believing in the theory of Evolution? Such a belief removes the whole concept of God. It also removes the idea that there is anything like “right and wrong,” “morality,” and a reason for human existence—beliefs that keep our society functioning! Teaching the theory of Evolution in our public schools as “fact” is literally teaching our children to become selfish murderers!

They have no reason to live a moral life and no motivation to keep living! Is this what you want them to believe? The decay of our society should NOT be a surprise to you! It is simply the result of teaching a FALSE theory that has, at its foundation, the aim of destroying society from within! This is the biggest human tragedy of ALL TIME!

We teach the theory of Evolution as “fact” in our public schools. But this is scientifically unsupportable! Yes, we believe in everyone’s right to their own opinion. Teaching evolution as a theory is fine! But clear-thinking and honest scientists cannot teach evolution as a fact! The Genesis story of Creation is more plausible than the theory of Evolution. We need to present both sides in the classroom! Yes, Creation by God in six literal 24-hour periods!

This is the only logical choice! Why? If you believe in a Creation week longer than six literal days, then you MUST also believe that death is God’s personal invention! This implies that death was given for “natural selection” and not as a penalty for sin! And you must not believe in the Sabbath Day! There would be no such thing as a logical reason to have a week defined as seven days! There would be no reason to keep the Sabbath Day holy! Yet hundreds of Bible references tell us to keep it holy!

Scientific Corruption

Who are you going to believe? Scientists at NASA did some “digital editing” to erase fully formed baby solar systems coming out of the Nebula of Orion. And then they pasted their own “artwork” of mini-big-bangs into the same video! These “mini big bangs” are called “Protoplanetary disks,” but these objects don’t exist!

They could not stand the idea of such startling evidence of God’s creative power getting out to you on video! So they LIED to you! They took actual movie footage from the Hubble telescope and modified it to present their reality preference! I know this because I’ve seen ALL 3 versions! How can scientists do this kind of thing, you ask? Well, real scientists can’t lie about reality…so that means they are not real scientists! They are liars who are trying to mislead and destroy all of humanity!

And a Bible passage confirms what these so-called scientists have already done! God’s answer can be found in Romans 1:16-25!

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen (Creation is obvious), being understood by the things that are made (that’s all of us), even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.” Romans 1:16-25 KJV

Want to find out more about the Bible, God’s Word? Read it for yourself! Don’t just listen to a preacher! Find out what the real truth is for yourself! And don’t forget to ask for God’s help to understand!

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