The True Church Of Christ

True Church Of Christ

The True Church Of Christ

The True Church Of Christ has always been in question until now!

Back in the 1970s, there was a very popular “game show” called “To Tell The Truth!” In this game show, a panel of four judges was to find out which of the three “witnesses” was truthful about who they were! At the very end of the show, the game show host would say these famous last words: “Will the real _______ please stand up?” And the witness who was really telling the truth would reveal themselves!

This game show actually portrays what is currently happening on a much bigger scale with all of the world’s religions! There is only one organized religion that really is the “true bride of Christ,” and the real answer may surprise you!

The Bible, in fact, has a prophecy that reveals exactly which Protestant denomination is the real bride of Christ! This prophecy is found in Song of Solomon chapter 5!

No, the Bible does not have the denomination’s actual name, but the indication is still very clear!

The Man
1 I went to my garden, dear friend, best lover!
breathed the sweet fragrance.
I ate the fruit and honey,
I drank the nectar and wine.

Celebrate with me, friends!
Raise your glasses—“To life! To love!”

The Woman
2 I was sound asleep, but in my dreams I was wide awake.
Oh, listen! It’s the sound of my lover knocking, calling!

The Man
“Let me in, dear companion, dearest friend,
my dove, consummate lover!
I’m soaked with the dampness of the night,
drenched with dew, shivering and cold.”

The Woman
3 “But I’m in my nightgown—do you expect me to get dressed?
I’m bathed and in bed—do you want me to get dirty?”

4-7 But my lover wouldn’t take no for an answer,
and the longer he knocked, the more excited I became.
I got up to open the door to my lover,
sweetly ready to receive him,
Desiring and expectant
as I turned the door handle.
But when I opened the door he was gone.
My loved one had tired of waiting and left.
And I died inside—oh, I felt so bad!
I ran out looking for him
But he was nowhere to be found.
I called into the darkness—but no answer.
The night watchmen found me
as they patrolled the streets of the city.
They slapped and beat and bruised me,
ripping off my clothes,
These watchmen,
who were supposed to be guarding the city.

8 I beg you, sisters in Jerusalem—
if you find my lover,
Please tell him I want him,
that I’m heartsick with love for him.

Song Of Solomon 5:1-8 MSG (The Message Bible)

Here we see a very romantic and intense story! The question is, was there really a very similar story that actually happened in fairly modern times? Yes! Absolutely!

It was called “The Great Disappointment”! William Miller was preaching that Jesus would return on October 22, 1844, but Jesus did not return as expected! And if you look into the actual personal experiences of the people in the Millerite movement during that time period, then the description found in Song Of Solomon 5:1-8 is a perfect match!

It was a terrible ordeal! Most people abandoned the Millerite movement. But those who remained faithful and continued to study the Bible to find out exactly what they had misinterpreted eventually decided to adopt the formal denominational name of “Seventh-day Adventists” in 1863!

Many other protestant denominations now point to the SDA denomination and point out that they were “wrong” about the second coming and just “invented” some other wacky idea called “the Investigative Judgment” to take the place of that event. But careful study of the Bible will reveal that this doctrine of the Investigative Judgment is indeed correct!

The Great Disappointment Was Foretold!

The “Great Disappointment” was foretold in Song Of Solomon 5:1-8 in a Bible prophecy with the second longest time span of any prophecy in the entire Bible! The whole book of Song Of Solomon is all about the relationship between Christ and His Bride, which is His Church!

So, the SDA denomination isn’t the “wacky cult” that so many denominations say we are…in fact we are the true “Bride Of Christ”!

SDA’s Are Not Perfect!

Now, we SDA’s are not perfect! We admit that the “Laodicean Message” of Revelation 3:14-22 refers primarily to our own denomination! But the Bible assures us that God will “purify” His church in the final days, just before the 2nd coming of Jesus! This will also be a terrible ordeal! But it must take place in order for His Bride (SDA church) to be ready for her Husband (Jesus Christ)!

Do Your Own Research!

I know that there’s a lot of confusion about which denomination is correct! But I’ve just pointed you in what I know is “the right direction”! I’ve given you a combination of Biblical and historical information that you can easily verify by your own research! One of the best places to do this research is The White Estate.

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