


Another resource: Music, Its Role, Qualities, and Influence

Music is probably the most important tool for public ministry! It touches the heart like nothing else can! Beautiful Christian performances uplift the soul and inspire us to obey God’s Word out of love for Him. There’s nothing wrong with this, but we should be careful to make sure that the Christian melodies we enjoy are of the very best quality!

Much of what is highly popular today does NOT bring glory to God, but is full of “vain repetitions” of words without much meaning and accompanied by “music” that is completely different than what will be played in the courts of heaven! What we perform here on Earth should always be something that will be fitting to play in heaven for the enjoyment of God, the angels, and those saved from the Earth!

Too often we forget that this world is NOT our home! Our home is in Heaven with God Himself! The purpose of this life is not our own “enjoyment”, but rather to give us the chance to prepare ourselves and others for Heaven, for the company of holy angels and a perfect and holy God! Our singing should inspire us to love God more and to be more reverent toward Him! Our vocal praise should not be for our own enjoyment, but for the purpose of praising our Creator and Redeemer!

This is not difficult to comprehend! It makes sense! But too often we get emotionally trapped by the popularity of certain performers with their loud and boisterous performances! But this is the exact opposite of God’s will for us! He desires a closer relationship with us personally! He desires that the words we sing will cause us to obey His Word and to live like Jesus lived!

Defending Lyrics

Musical Gems

Music Projects

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