Bible Prophecies

Bible Prophecies

Why Do Bible Prophecies Exist?

Why do Bible prophecies exist? They strengthen our faith that God is in control, letting us know He knows the future and has planned it out!

Bible Prophecies clearly tell us what organizations work against God and His Kingdom and describe those who work for God’s glory!

Did you know that the Bible also clearly identifies one specific church denomination as God’s special chosen people in the last days? And that God has chosen them to present the last warning message to the world just before His second coming!

An Amazing Purpose For Bible Prophecies!

And Bible Prophecies do one more amazing thing! They tell us how much God loves us and is committed to our salvation! The promise of a Savior was first given to Adam and Eve right after they sinned. Throughout the 6,000 years since that time, God has consistently worked and planned for the death of Jesus Christ! Each and every member of the Godhead has helped ensure that all of the prophecies regarding the Messiah would come to pass! And Jesus planned to die in our place!

Bible Prophecies

Bible Prophecy tells us that since 1844, Jesus has been ministering in the Most Holy Place in the Heavenly Temple! To forgive us for our current sins and to “cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (See 1 John 1:9)

The Tabernacle Still Has Meaning!

The earthly Tabernacle (and later Temple) was an enactment of the Plan of Salvation! The Temple services pointed forward to Christ’s death on the Cross. But the need for those services ended when Jesus died! However, now the Tabernacle services have much to teach us about the plan of salvation! So, studying those old rituals and the structure of the Tabernacle is still very educational for all Christians! The veil was torn when Jesus died! This shows the accuracy of Bible Prophecy about Jesus’ identity and purpose!

The Amazing Facts website also has very good Bible studies on many topics here!

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