A Message Of Love And Hope

A Message Of Love And Hope

A Message Of Love And Hope

What is the most urgent need of all people living in this world at this moment? This need is food; for others, it is health care. But here in the USA, for most of us, there is a much greater need for something else! Many people don’t even realize what they need, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need it! What do people need most in America today? They need a message of love and hope!

Another Resource: The Desire Of Ages

In fact, if someone was talented at verbally “giving love” to other people, they could potentially sell such a service and make a good income. Unfortunately, these people might tire, and others doubt their sincerity.

Yet there is someone who loves everyone in America and every other country in the world. His name is Jesus Christ, and if you’re like most Americans, you long to find some love and hope in your own life, right? So, let me tell you a story! Forget about your mental picture of God briefly, and just listen.

I’m taking a big risk by telling you this story. I’ve thought long and hard about whether or not I should tell you. What is the danger in telling you this story? Once you know how much God loves you, you will not want to live anywhere else except in His presence.

There is exactly such a warning about this found in the Word of God, the Bible.

"Oh! Give me something refreshing to eat—and quickly! Apricots, raisins—anything. I’m about to faint with love! His left hand cradles my head, and his right arm encircles my waist! Oh, let me warn you, sisters in Jerusalem, by the gazelles, yes, by all the wild deer: don’t excite love, don’t stir it up, until the time is ripe—and you’re ready".

Song of Solomon 2:5-7 (The Message Bible)
A Message Of Love And Hope

It is not wise to “stir up” your love for Jesus until the time is right! Well…the time has arrived! It is time for me to “stir up” your love for Jesus because He is about to return to this earth! You won’t have to wait much longer to see Jesus in person!

Let’s start with a story about my life at a very young age: thirteen. That summer, I met a girl probably a year older than me. She was definitely “out of my league,” so to speak. She was very beautiful, popular, friendly, kind, generous…I think you get the picture!

When the next school year started, I discovered she would be riding the same school bus I was on and that the trip would take nearly two hours one way! Then I found out she lived only three blocks from my house! Then, a miracle of miracles happened: She approached me on the bus, talked to me, and wanted to know more about me! I was shocked because I never thought she would care to talk with me!

Time passed quickly, and I soon discovered she really loved me! In fact, even though she never said it in so many words, I could tell by the look in her eyes, the tone of her voice, and her “body language” that, if given the opportunity, she would have been happy to lay down her life for me! When you see that much love in someone’s eyes…you’ll never forget it!

Yes, I know that if she had the chance, she would have died for me without any fear or regret! This was too much for a 13-year-old boy to “take in.” I wasn’t ready for that, and I made many mistakes. But she still loved me despite those mistakes.

I know what you’re thinking. You want to see if we got married! The answer is no! Things didn’t work out that way! Looking back now, I realize that it was not God’s intention for us to get married, but the Lord used her to tell me how much He loved me! God gave me this experience…so I could show you how much He loves you, too!

If she had died for me, I know she would have died with love and hope in her heart! She would have looked forward to the day of her resurrection and mine—when we would meet again! (See also Melchizedek, Why Should I Care?)

But there is a completely different kind of death! The Bible refers to this as the “second death” because the wicked must die twice! They will die either before or at the second coming of Jesus. They will sleep for 1,000 years, then they will rise for the “Great White Throne Judgment”… and after that, they will die the “second death”…with no hope in their hearts!

This “second death” was exactly the kind of death that Jesus died on the cross! He did not indicate that his father still loved him! He chose to suffer this terrible kind of hopeless death… just for you… because he loves you! And if you choose to love him in return, you will never have to die the “second death”! Jesus paid the full price and penalty for your sins! When you choose to love the Lord, the Lord sees your account of a sin-filled life, and next to your name, in red letters, it says, “JESUS CHRIST PAID THE FULL PRICE.”

My favorite quote outside of the Bible says:

“The earth was dark because of people’s misunderstanding of the Lord. That the gloomy shadows might be lightened, that the world might be brought back to God, Satan’s deceptive power was to be broken. This could not be done by force. The exercise of force is contrary to the principles of  God’s government. He desires only the service of love; and love cannot be commanded; it cannot be won by force or authority. Only by love is love awakened. To know God is to love Him; His character must be manifested in contrast to the character of Satan. This work only one Being in all the universe could do. Only He who knew the height and depth of the love of God could make it known. Upon the world’s dark night the Sun of Righteousness must rise, “with healing in His wings.” Malachi 4:2". (KJV) Desire of Ages, page 22, paragraph 1.

For your information, I grew up in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and my father was a minister of this denomination. However, God still needed to make me realize He is alive and real and loves me! He wanted to show me this in a tangible way besides in His Word. So, He placed a deep love for me into that little girl’s heart so I could see His love for me in action!

As stated above, in my favorite quote, the Lord knew that only by seeing clear, practical evidence of His love for me could He awaken my love for Him! And believe me…He couldn’t have given me a better example!

About two years later, our family moved, and I lost touch with that little girl. I always remembered her, but I was busy with my own life and didn’t think about her much until I met her again when I was about 20.

I had just officially broken up with my current girlfriend the day before, and then I happened to see her. She recognized me immediately and said, “Hi, Arthur!” “Hi _____”, I replied. For about 3 seconds, I looked closely into her eyes to see if she still loved me like she used to, but I couldn’t see it anymore! Then I knew someone else had taken that place in her heart that was once reserved for me! We didn’t have a longer conversation than that. I knew I had to let her go. I knew she would marry the new guy, whoever he was, and I had to leave.

What is the lesson in this part of the story? It’s simply this: Don’t take your relationship with God for granted! If you focus on “enjoying this life,” your love for him will grow cold. You will grow apart from Him…little by little…until one day your life will end…and you will never truly “know” Him like you had the chance to know Him. The danger is… “To know him is to love him,” and therefore, you will never know what true love is like!

“I wish you were my twin brother, sharing my mother’s breasts with me, playing with me outside in the street, kissing me in plain sight, and no one thinking anything of it. I would hold your hand and take you back home where I was raised by my mother. You would drink my wine and kiss my cheek. Imagine! His hand. His left arm embraces my head, and his right arm is around my waist! Oh, let me warn you, sisters in Jerusalem: do not stir up love, do not stir it till the time comes—and you are ready”. Song Of Solomon 8:1-4 (The Message Bible)

Who Is This Woman?

A Message Of Love And Hope

Who is this woman spoken of in the Song of Solomon? In Bible prophecy, a woman always represents a church! Study the Song of Solomon in detail. You will discover that this entire book of the Bible describes the relationship between Christ and His dear bride, the Seventh Day Adventist Church (hint: see The Great Disappointment of 1844 and Song of Solomon chapter 5)!

cropped the woman
The True Church!

The Song of Solomon is a book with a prophetic message. Only one other prophecy in the Bible has a broader time period—the one given to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden regarding the birth of Jesus! The Song of Solomon also describes the kind of relationship Christ wants with you, whether you are a man or a woman.

Whether you’re a man or a woman, you can have the most potent love affair you can imagine…with God for yourself! It is within your reach! Please don’t “miss out” on this love affair! Yes, God may bless you with a husband or wife, but your love affair with God is far more critical! Nothing else is so valuable! I know this from experience!

How do I know these things? The Lord has taught me through the Bible, which is His Word! It would be terrible and rude of me to leave you at this point without further instruction, so please… take heed!

Jesus Is Coming Very Soon!

As I mentioned earlier, time is running out! Jesus will return very soon! And if you want to have a deep and satisfying relationship with Jesus, you must prepare for His soon return right now! There is no time left for any further delay! Spend some time studying the Bible under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Last Minute Instructions!

There are just a few things you need to keep in mind during this time:


Stay close to the Lord, talk to Him as you would with your closest friend, and study His Word, the Bible.


The Gospel is good news from the Lord; you must share it with those around you. If you really love him, you can’t stay silent.


Read Chapter 14 of the Gospel of John every day. This chapter tells you how Jesus lived and how he wants you to live.


Read at least one chapter daily from “Steps To Christ” by Ellen G. White. When you finish it, start over and reread it…and again…until you memorize it. This book has only one purpose: to clearly inform you about “Righteousness By Faith” (RBF)! This is the most essential doctrine in the entire history of the world, from the very beginning to the soon-coming end! It is also the doctrine most ferociously attacked in the history of the world!

This was the message that Satan worked hard to hide from all of humanity through the actions of the Catholic leadership, the papacy. The Bible has been kept away from people to hide from them the message of Righteousness By Faith. The Papacy has diligently taught the exact opposite of this truth…they taught, and still teach, “righteousness by works”! Martin Luther clearly understood what was happening… between the “man of sin” and the soldiers of heaven. (see also Faith And Works Simplified)

Righteousness By Faith is the message that was generally “rejected” by the SDA leadership in 1888, then gradually accepted by many in the intervening time. And it is this message that will strengthen the final work (The 3 Angels’ Messages) we are to do before Jesus returns! This is the last message of warning to the world! It is the ultimate “Wake Up Call”! It is clearly identified as the “Loud Cry,” also defined in Revelation 18. This is a hard message but it must be given to the whole world!

Time For Action!

Now I want to motivate you to action! There is a hymn that speaks to what a Christian’s life is all about. I’ll write down the lyrics for you here. I’ll also link to the best hymn rendition I could find! I will also include links to songs designed to help you walk with Jesus.

Rescue The Perishing
Fanny Crosby and William Howard Duane

First Verse:
Rescue the perishing, care for the dying;
Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave;
Weep for the erring one, lift up the fallen;
Tell them of Jesus, the Mighty to Save!

Rescue the perishing, care for the dying;
Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save!

Second Verse:
Though they are slighting him, still he still He is waiting;
Waiting the penitent child to receive!
So plead with them earnestly, plead with them gently;
He will forgive, only if they believe!

Someone is all alone looking for a reason;
Someone is trying to find a way to cope;
Will you be the one to bring them home?

Third Verse:
Rescue the perishing, duty demands it;
Strength for your labor the Lord will provide.
Back to the narrow way, patiently win them;
Tell the poor wanderer a Savior has died!
Rescue The Perishing by Fountainview Academy

There is no need to live another day without experiencing the love of Jesus Christ for you! Just admit to Him that you are a sinner and that you want to live for Him from this moment on! By the way, giving your life to Jesus will not guarantee you an easy life! Satan will be upset because he is losing another victim, but Christ has promised you victory over Satan (in 1 Corinthians 10:13 and 2 Peter 1:1-4)

From now on, this should be one of your favorite hymns: Now I Belong To Jesus!

Fountainview Academy – A Mighty Fortress!

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