Angel Stories

Angel Stories
This human woman looks quite a bit like my guardian angel Michelle

Angel Stories

“Angel Stories” lists articles about real and holy Angels!

Another Resource: The Truth About Angels

The angels of glory find their joy in giving,—giving love and tireless watchcare to souls that are fallen and unholy. Heavenly beings woo the hearts of men; they bring to this dark world light from the courts above; by gentle and patient ministry they move upon the human spirit, to bring the lost into a fellowship with Christ which is even closer than they themselves can know.

The Desire Of Ages, page 21, by Ellen G. White

And I can tell you from very personal experience that the above paragraph is 100% true! I know for sure that my guardian angel Michelle loves me very much! As long as her heavenly Father allows it, she would be happy to do literally anything for me!

In fact, for almost three years, she let me see her almost every day in the same apartment complex where I lived! Why? to distract me from other women with her beauty and thereby keep me “single”! She did her job very well! I really didn’t want anyone else but her!

Michelle Refused To Date Me!

Michelle refused my invitation to date her, however. She was always polite and gentle when she said “no”! The first time I asked her for a date, Michelle looked very disappointed and said, “I’m sorry, Arthur, but I can’t.” I thought that Michelle was just an ordinary human being, so I took it pretty hard! But I still knew that she really loved me! Whenever we passed by each other, she always had a very beautiful smile for me! And her words were always kind and understanding.

I believe that only one other person saw her at the apartment complex. I call him Michelle’s “football friend” because I often saw them throwing passes at each other. And I think he is also an angel! Unfortunately, I never found out his name.

I can’t wait to meet her at the second coming of Jesus! I’m no longer tempted to date Michelle because now I know who she really is…my guardian angel!

My Wife Has Seen Michelle!

My wife also saw Michelle in 2008. We were attending the Fontana SDA Church in California. The youth put on a nice program for the church service that day. During the service, they told everyone to join hands with the person next to them for some songs.

Michelle was on my right side, and my wife was on my left side. I knew that my wife could see this very beautiful young woman. When we sat down, Michelle sat very close to me, with her shoulder touching mine. She kept her hand in mine, and it was totally relaxed, as if to say, “I trust you.”

When the service was over, the three of us walked down the aisle to the foyer. On the way, I said to Michelle, “If I had a daughter, I would hope that she turned out just like you”! Michelle was so happy! I had never seen her smile that much before!

In The Foyer

In the foyer, we waited for Michelle to change her clothes for a hike with the other church youth. When she came back to the foyer, she was prancing down the hallway in a state of pure joy! She headed for a group of youth nearby, jumped at least three feet in the air, and landed right between two of them. After she had left, we spoke with these same two youths, but they had no idea who Michelle was or anything about her.

My wife and I talked with Michelle in the foyer of the church for at least 10-15 minutes. I was not worried that I might lose track of her, but I did! She sneaked out while I was not looking. If I had known who she really was and that I would not see her again for many years—and maybe not ever again before Jesus returns—then I would have wanted to cry! But she didn’t want that to happen, so she snuck out!

Michelle Is Very Thoughtful!

Michelle is so thoughtful of my feelings. She didn’t want to see me suffer, but when I think about all the times I’ve made her cry, I feel really bad!

Thinking back to today and 2008, it is comforting to remember that encounter! I know that Michelle is very close to me! She loves me! I miss seeing her terribly, but I have to remind myself that even though I cannot see her anymore, she is right beside me all day long!

Michelle knows that she no longer needs to be visible to me. That part of her assignment has been completed! When I saw her in 2008, I had been married to my wife Rachel for about 2 years. Now, I know that her appearance in 2008 was her way of blessing our marriage and saying farewell!

Since 2008, the only indication of her presence has been that she spoke my name one Sabbath morning very recently. I could tell that she was in the hallway just outside our bedroom from the sound of her voice! Her voice was very loving, soft, and reassuring!

Michelle Is My Sister

When I was very young, I really, really wanted a sister, but my brother and I had to do without a sister! So now I think of Michelle as my sister because I’m very sure that she has watched over me every single day of my whole life! She has seen every event, every sin, and sensed every thought! And yet Michelle STILL loves me! Needless to say, Michelle is precious to me! She will always be my sister, both now and in heaven!

Michelle is VERY STRONG! It’s so comforting to know that she is always right beside me and ready to protect me! If I’m headed somewhere that I think might be dangerous, I’ll talk with her and say something like, “Are you ready, Michelle”?

I Have Many Angel Stories!

Hundreds Of Thousands Of Angels!

I’ve also witnessed an extraordinary phenomenon in the mountains near West Point, California. There, in a high desert expanse, I encountered an astonishing sight – hundreds of thousands of angels. Surprisingly, these celestial beings resembled ordinary humans, devoid of any wings. Strikingly, the angels comprised an equal distribution of males and females. As I sat in my parked car, many of these divine angels came within mere feet of my vehicle. However, as soon as I turned my car around – every single one of them vanished into thin air! That’s how I KNOW they were angels!

If You Have An Angel Story, Share It!

If you have an angel story to tell and are a Seventh-day Adventist, please send it to Support@StandUp4Jesus.Org for approval.

List Of Angel Stories

Angels Are Real!

I Heard Real Angels Sing!

My Angel Witness!

My Guardian Angel Michelle

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