


This is a list of all the “Categories” of Articles! Some of these categories might be empty. That means you could be the first author to put a new article into that Category! This page exists for the benefit of smartphone users who may be unable to deal with 3-level nested menus! It’s just an easier way to get to the desired article page!


Do You Want To Write?

If you want to write an article for this website on any topic, please feel free to do so. Unfortunately, I can’t guarantee that the article will be approved. But at least send it to Support@StandUp4Jesus.Org and see if we approve it. And while you’re at it, if we approve your article, please send us another brief article (just 4-6 paragraphs) about your background, along with a recent photo so that we can create a “bio” about you, the author!

A Longer Relationship!

This could be the beginning of a long and very fruitful relationship! Of course, we will include a link in every approved article to your “About The Author” page. This will encourage our website visitors to learn more about you.

We Might Ask You To Write!

If we get a lot of “page views” of your article, we might ask you to write additional articles for this website.

The Power Of A Personal Testimony!

There is nothing more powerful than a personal testimony about God’s transforming power in your life. We want to hear your story, as it will help our readers trust more fully in God’s love and character!

Miracle Stories!

Miracle stories increase the faith of our readers, and we want to hear real miracle stories about what happened to you!

Experience With Autism?

If you have autism or are “anywhere” on the “spectrum,” we want to hear about your experience! Whether your experience is positive or negative, we can all learn something from your own testimony!

Do You Love To Study The Bible?

If so, then maybe you should write an article for us! Just choose a category from the list below and write your own article!

New SDA Resources

By the way, there’s a brand new website called “Encyclopedia of Seventh Day Adventists,” and here’s the link: ESDA

List Of Article Categories

3 Angels’ Messages

Angel Stories: Amazing And True

Artificial Super Intelligence


Bible Prophecies

Creation vs Evolution


Eschatology – Order Of Events

Faith And Works

Fear And Death

Forgiveness And Repentance


God’s Nature


Health & Wellness

Hidden Treasures

Interesting Developments!

Jesus Yehowoshua

Love And Hope


Lucifer (aka Satan)



Miracle Stories




Personal Testimonies





SDA Issues

Self & Life

Special Warnings!

The Cross

The End Of The World!


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