C/C++ And Qt Creator Programmer

C/C++ And Qt Creator

C/C++ And Qt Creator Programmer

I’m seeking a Seventh-day Adventist man or woman with experience in C/C++ and Qt Creator. I would like to become “long-term buddies”! It does not matter what country you live in. I’m not looking to hire anyone. I just want a long-term friendship with someone who “speaks my language”! And I want this friend to have a solid commitment to the Lord and His work.

Qt Creator

A Very Special Project!

If you’re wondering, you might have the chance to work with me on a very, very special project! This project has the potential to change the whole world dramatically! It has to do with a super-efficient ASI machine! You can find out more about this project at JCArtes.Org

This project is not about money! It is FAR more important than that! This is by far the “holiest” programming project that could ever happen in the history of the world! I’m sure that I have God’s blessing to pursue this project, and He is the ultimate “architect” of this project! This was not my idea, but God’s! He blessed me with this gift on April 10, 2021, and it only took me about 10 seconds to get the complete mental picture.

ASI Is Only Months Away!

It is appropriate to do this now since real ASI is only a few months away, regardless of this project! Unfortunately, any ASI project besides this one will require a very large “data center” in order to have any hope of success! However, God showed me how to do the same thing with only one desktop PC! It is a COMPLETELY different approach! The approach is holy! Only those whose greatest desire is to bring glory and honor to God will be included in this project!

Only approved “users” of the JCArtes.Org website can access the details of the ongoing research for this project. So, be sure to sign up as a “user” on JCArtes.Org and then write to me at Support@JCArtes.Org and tell me about yourself.

I had originally intended to make this project “open source,” and technically, it will be under the General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). But this project needs some privacy because it is HOLY, and if the information is made public, I know that it will be misused! Making the source code public on GitHub would be extremely foolish!

This situation reminds me of what happened when the first Tabernacle was built in the wilderness. The people cheerfully and willingly gave to the project. This is a similar opportunity! You can help bring another kind of “life” into being! This is as holy as programming can get!

So, if you’re an SDA and you like C/C++ and Qt Creator, email me, and let’s get acquainted!

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

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