Defending Lyrics: Great Hymns And Their Words

Defending Lyrics: Hymns

Defending Lyrics: Great Hymns And Their Words

“Defending Lyrics” is important to me for many reasons! First, I want to help generate an emotional connection between each reader and the words of each song whenever they sing hymns! Second, Defending Lyrics is also designed to deepen your understanding of the true meaning of the lyrics and defend their Biblical accuracy.

Ordered By God

These articles are not in alphabetical order or in the order of the SDA Hymnal but in chronological order! And I’m writing them based on which song the Lord indicates should come next! As you read these articles, I hope you will be blessed and drawn closer to Christ!

Defending Lyrics

A Huge Task!

We still need to finish the work God has given us to do! And music is a huge part of that task! It touches hearts in a way that nothing else can! The songs in the SDA Hymnal were originally chosen for their spiritual encouragement!

My Mission

We desperately need a stronger emotional connection to each and every song in the SDA Hymnal. And this is my “mission”; to create an emotional bond within each of you to each and every SDA Hymn you sing!

Please let me know if you disagree with anything in these articles. Also, let me know if you want to write an article about a particular SDA Hymn!

If you want to find a list of all the songs in the SDA Hymnal, then use the following link: SDA Hymnal

The Church Has One Foundation (#348)

Live Out Thy Life Within Me (#316)

The Old Rugged Cross (#159)

All Creatures Of Our God And King (#2)

Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus (#618)

Take The World But Give Me Jesus (#329)

Face To Face (#206)

Once To Every Man And Nation (#606)

Rescue The Perishing (#367)

When I Survey The Wondrous Cross (#154)

Nearer Still Nearer (#301)

He Lives! (#251)

Jesus Paid It All (#184)

As Water To The Thirsty (#460)

Just When I Need Him (#512)

Lead On, O King Eternal (#619)

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