Eschatology – Order Of Events

Eschatology - Order Of Events

Eschatology – Order Of Events

“Eschatology – Order Of Events” is about the history of the world: the past, the present, and the future! “Eschatology” literally means “The Study of the Order Of Events”! However, most people only care about current and future events! So, what can Eschatology offer you? It can assure you that the same God who has foretold every major event in the history of the world also knows exactly what will happen in the future! And Eschatology can assure you that He is trustworthy and wants you to know what the future holds!

The Best History Book

One of the best books on this subject is “The Great Controversy,” written by Ellen G. White. By clicking on the link above, you can read the whole book online, or you can download a PDF version of the book for your convenience. This book gives a complete picture of history and things to come until the second coming of Jesus Christ! If you doubt what this book says, I encourage you to get out your King James Bible and see if what she has written agrees with it or not.

Last Day Events

There’s another good book called “Last Day Events,” but you need to know that it is a “compilation” of quotes from many other books, also written by Ellen White. So, some of the “context” of these quotations is missing!

The White Estate

For a complete list of all the books written by Ellen G. White (compilations and original works) please visit this website: WhiteEstate.Org (Booklist).

Other Resources

There are many, many other resources available for your study, and I will do my best to list most of the best quality resources here:

Video Series “What’s Up Prof?” by Walter Veith and Martin Smith

Video Series “Total Onslaught” by Walter Veith

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