Figgy Taught Me A Lesson About God!

Figgy Taught Me A Lesson About God

Figgy Taught Me A Lesson About God!

Figgy taught me a lesson about God! He is a neighborhood cat that we recently adopted. We called him “Figgy” because we found him begging for food under a fig tree.

When we first saw Figgy, he was “marching in place” to keep himself warm in the cold weather. He would follow us for most of the block where he lived. Figgy wanted to be friendly to our dogs and would venture very close to them.

We already had 5 other cats, as well as two dogs! Figgy has adapted very well to the rest of our family. He is friendly to the other cats and very respectful.

But Figgy has a little problem; he is starved for human affection! He would always rather be on my lap than to bother eating his breakfast or dinner! Tonight the only way I could get him to eat anything was to hold the dish in my hand while he ate! I wonder if God might appreciate us acting like that with Him?

Figgy enjoys being petted so much that he naturally extends his front claws out to their full length, over and over again! So I have to gently tell him “No Figgy, don’t claw Daddy” and then move his front paws somewhere else.

My “Aha” Moment!

A few days ago I was thinking about Figgy’s behavior. And I suddenly realized that God probably relates to me like I relate to Figgy! I do enjoy God’s company, but my prayers are probably much like Figgy’s “clawing”! While I might mean well, God might find my prayers a bit immature and selfish.

Then I started thinking about how much God might enjoy me, just like I enjoy Figgy! If I could just learn to relax in His lap! I thought about making a video of Figgy’s behavior. But I think this is too important to delay the publishing of this article. Maybe I’ll add the video later.

And that is how Figgy taught me a lesson about God! Hope you enjoyed this little reminder of God’s Love!

Here’s more information about God’s Heart

Just a friendly reminder: Don’t buy a cat or dog…adopt one from a “kill shelter”and save a life!

Here’s a business I highly recommend! Mary S. Roberts Pet Adoption Center They also perform spaying and neutering for both cats and dogs for a very reasonable cost!

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