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God’s Nature is a very wide subject area with many articles.
The Bible says, “God is Love!” But what is the true definition of love? The Ten Commandments define true love! The first four define “love to God,” and the last six define “love to mankind.” This also means that the Ten Commandments inform us about who God is—they describe His character!
This tells us that the Ten Commandments cannot be “nailed to the cross” or abolished in any way! It would be the same as trying to “abolish God”!
Then what law was “nailed to the cross” in Colossians 2:14? It was the “ceremonial law” that Moses wrote on a scroll, which was placed outside the Ark Of The Covenant—the Ten Commandments were placed inside the Ark Of The Covenant! This indicates that the Ten Commandments are “part of God” and do not change! But the Ceremonial Law is “the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us”!
Another Resource: The Desire Of Ages
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