I Heard Real Angels Sing!

I Heard Real Angels Sing

I Heard Real Angels Sing!

I Heard Real Angels Sing: Yes, there were at least 3 times in my life when I heard real angels from Heaven singing in a “private concert” just for me!

Sick Unto Death!

The first time was when I was barely old enough to remember the event! I think I may have been 5 years old. My mom later told me that I was extremely sick and could barely breathe! She said that I had a “death rattle” in my lungs! She did not think I would make it through the night!

I don’t remember much about the suffering I went through at that time, but I do remember hearing the angels sing! It was only by listening to them sing that I felt ANY relief from my suffering! I don’t know how to describe their singing, but it is by far the most beautiful sound anyone can hear! Their harmonies are simple, yet complex, always moving, never staying the same!

Bad Car Crash!

The next time I heard real angels singing was after I was in a very bad car wreck! I was driving along a mountain road on my way to Pacific Union College. At this time I was 21 years old. I was a little bit upset because my girl friend of two years had recently broken up with me. Anyway, I was a bit careless in my driving and before I knew what was happening, I remember seeing a large pine tree right in front of my car and I thought my life was over! Somehow the car missed that tree and rolled over about 3 times on its way down a very steep pine tree covered hillside!

I was driving a VW “fastback” car with no seat-belts installed! Needless to say, my spine was NOT in very good “alignment” after that accident! But amazingly the car came to rest upside down, with the headlights on, the engine running, and my body in one piece! The headlights were pointed up the side of the hill, so I could see where to go up to the road!

Escaping The Car!

I saw a small tree just outside my window, which was now shattered, and I focused on grabbing that tree and dragging myself out of the car! Then I scrambled up the hillside late at night and went downhill on the road trying to find some neighbors who might be awake! I finally found a late night party house and told them what happened. They let me use their phone and I called my former girlfriend who was attending PUC at the time, and she came and picked me up to go to the hospital for a checkup.

On the way to the hospital, riding in her car, I heard the angels sing once again. I mentioned it to her, but she didn’t hear anything! I tried to describe what I was hearing, but to no avail. It was pointless to even try to describe what I heard!

A Bible Study With God!

The next time I heard the angels sing was during a Bible study with God! I was living by myself in Beaverton, Oregon in 1983 in a small one bedroom apartment. I had just lost my job and was desperately trying to find another job before getting kicked out of my apartment for lack of payment! It was a Sunday morning around 10 am and I prayed to God out of desperation!

In my prayer I said, “I know that most employers don’t want to hire me because I won’t work on Saturday”! “I know I’ve been a very bad SDA”. “I don’t want to bother being an SDA anymore unless you’re real to me”! “If there’s any more hope for me, then please send an angel to guide my Bible study, put the Holy Spirit in my mind, and teach me what You want me to understand”!

I was lying on the floor sobbing while I was praying. I got up and took my Bible to the dining room table and for the next 3 and a half hours God gave me a professionally outlined Bible study on the subject of “Righteousness By Faith”! After only half an hour, I was shaking like a leaf in the wind! Why? Because I had NEVER heard anything like this from any SDA pastor!

And I was an SDA pastor’s son! I had a chance to hear a LOT of different SDA pastors! I was afraid that God wanted me to be an SDA pastor! And I had NO interest in becoming one! In fact, I was extremely shy and did not even want to speak in public AT ALL!

Satan Attacks! Angels Sing!

It was later that night that Satan attacked me with a sense of extreme fear! I opened my Bible again and began reading. It was then that I heard the angels singing again!

This was the “first step” in God’s preparation for my re-baptism! But I was not ready just yet! Then, the next Sabbath day, I went to my regular Sabbath School class with the other “young adults”. They met in the fellowship hall and sat in a circle for discussion purposes. There were about 35-40 people in attendance! I normally didn’t say much of anything in Sabbath School! The Sabbath School teacher was a man in his forties and he had an outgoing personality. He did his best to get people to speak up and engage themselves in discussion.

An “Off Track” Bible Class Leader

That day I noticed that he was saying a lot of things that just were not “Biblical” and I figured that he was doing this just to try and get a “reaction” from the group and to get them talking! I kept silent for a very long time! I knew that Sabbath School time was almost gone and nobody had said anything to the teacher yet.

And I’m sorry, but I had to say something in God’s defense! I finally raised my hand and was recognized by the teacher. I said to him, “I think you were playing “devils advocate” just to get some discussion going, but everything I’ve heard you say this morning is wrong”! Then I proceeded to quote some of the Bible verses the Lord had given to me in that Bible study on Righteousness By Faith, the previous Sunday! The teacher had never looked so “stunned” before…his jaw dropped nearly to the floor…and he looked like he could not believe what he was hearing!

A Great Excitement!

After Sabbath School was over, there was a lot of excitement among the other members! A few people complimented me on my comments. Later, I said to myself, “That wasn’t so bad”! “I might be able to do a ‘little bit’ for the Lord, here and there”! That Sabbath I finally decided to talk with the pastor and ask to be “re-baptized”!

The day finally arrived for my re-baptism on March 27, 1983! It just so happens that the same day on the Jewish calendar is Nisan 14 or also known as “Passover”! I had been baptized at age 12 many years before, but felt a lot of family and peer pressure at that time. I did it mostly to “fit in” and not so much because I really wanted to do it! This time it was completely different! I really wanted to “belong to God”!

New Missionary Efforts!

Shortly after, this the entire “Young Adult Sabbath School Class” decided to start putting on church services for smaller SDA churches in surrounding areas! Many of the members participated for the very first time in public speaking, special music, and other parts of the services! This was a very special time in my life!

It was also a time of God’s “testing me” to see if I would remain faithful to Him! But that’s another story!

Since that time, I’ve heard many other songs in my head, that God gave me…but not sung by angels! It’s God’s way of inspiring me with certain thoughts about what article I need to write and put on my website!

In 2022, I finally realized that I had seen my own personal guardian angel many times from 1980 up to 2008! And in 2022, I heard her speak my name in my home one morning! But these are all parts of other stories! Keep searching this website for other interesting stories!

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