Just When I Need Him (#512)

Just When I Need Him

Just When I Need Him (#512)

Just When I Need Him: Sometimes Jesus does not reveal Himself to us when we get into trouble! But when this happens, it is always for a specific reason! In my case, it was to create in me a “hunger” for my own personal relationship with Him! He let me suffer for a few days, until I poured out my heart to Him! Then He gave me a Revelation of Himself that was much more intimate than I ever expected! It literally “shook me to the core”! Jesus gave me a personal Bible study on Righteousness By Faith (this was 1983…before RBF was a “popular topic” among SDA pastors)!

Here’s a link to the history of this hymn: Just When I Need Him

Just when I need Him, Jesus is near,
Just when I falter, just when I fear;
Ready to help me, ready to cheer,
Just when I need Him most.

Just when I need Him, Jesus is true,
Never forsaking, all the way through,
Giving for burdens pleasures anew,
Just when I need Him most.

Yes, Jesus is true! Since that time, He has always guided me in my Bible studies in a very personal way! And He is careful to give me only the truths I can “handle” for each stage in my life! By the way, you should be careful what you ask for in prayer! You might get more truth than you can handle!

Just when I need Him, Jesus is strong,
Bearing my burdens all the day long;
For all my sorrow giving a song,
Just when I need Him most.

“And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me”. Luke 9:23 KJV

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light”. Matthew 11:28-30 KJV

Here in Matthew we see that Jesus, the strong One, is the other One bearing the same “yoke”! He is the one doing most of the work! He gives us inspiration and something to sing about!

Just when I need Him, He is my all,
Answering when upon Him I call;
Tenderly watching lest I should fall,
Just when I need Him most.

Jesus knew what my deepest longings would be before I was born! And He very wisely chose an angel to watch over me who would be ideally suited to bring me comfort and hope! I know this because I’ve seen her several times in my life! Her name is Michelle. I know that she loves me! And that she will be my sister in heaven! I know that she is always with me! And that makes me want to stop sinning!

But more than this, Jesus is the One who chose her! He is the One who loves me the most! And I have a Heavenly Father who works very closely with Michelle to watch over me and guide me to heaven!


Just when I need Him most,
Just when I need Him most,
Jesus is near to comfort and cheer,
Just when I need Him most.

I can see the way that God works with my wife, to help her witness to the people around her! I know that God loves my wife, too! And that awakens more of my love for Him! He answers our prayers for other people, even those who are not SDA’s, but believe in God and need His assistance! We know that God is real from personal experience! And His faithfulness is our hope and the source of our love for Him!

Our prayer is that you will find this kind of experience for yourself! In His name we pray, Amen!

Just When I Need Him Most by

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