Melchizedek Did We Learn?

Melchizedek: Did We Learn

Melchizedek Did We Learn?

The analysis “Melchizedek Did We Learn?” examines the principles found in the Melchizedek Message in the Bible. If you have trouble finding evidence, please refer to other articles about the Melchizedek Message.

What Have We Learned?

First, we learned that the first mention of Melchizedek in the Bible refers to the Holy Spirit. He appeared physically as a person, so He is a person, not just a force!

Second, evidently, at this time, Abraham was a “Melchizedek priest in training” but was not quite there yet! So the Holy Spirit “filled the need” for a real Melchizedek Priest for Abraham’s sake and for the sake of the whole human race! Everyone else in the world had forgotten both about the true God and about the Melchizedek Priesthood—very much like today!

Esau upset God because he didn’t value the Melchizedek Priesthood, an important part of the eldest son’s inheritance. Esau sold his right to become the next Melchizedek Priest and only cared about satisfying his immediate needs, like his next bowl of lentils.

“Today, what is God noticing? In 1 Peter 2:1-10, God clearly calls every Christian, regardless of gender or age, to be a Melchizedek Priest or Priestess. However, “The Melchizedek Message” doesn’t generate much interest.

And this is even though God has “honored us beyond all measure” in 1 Peter 2:1-10! It seems to me like there might be a legitimate reason for Revelation 3:16 “16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue (some translations say “vomit”) thee out of my mouth”. What do you think?

When men arise, claiming to have a message from God, but instead of warring against principalities and powers, and the rulers of the darkness of this world, they form a hollow square, and turn the weapons of warfare against the church militant, be afraid of them.  They do not bear the divine credentials. God has not given them any such burden of labor. They would tear down that which God would restore by the Laodicean message. He wounds only that He may heal, not cause to perish. The Lord lays upon no man a message that will discourage and dishearten the church. He reproves, He rebukes, He chastens; but it is only that He may restore and approve at last.

Testimonies To Ministers, page 23, by Ellen White

Militant Comes First!

I have heard some conservative SDA pastors say that “we need to be members of the church triumphant, not the church militant”! But this indicates a mistaken sentiment! The church militant cannot become the church triumphant WITHOUT becoming militant FIRST! There’s a process we need to “go through”!

We, as followers of Jesus Christ, are currently “lukewarm,” risking rejection by Him. Being militant means being fiercely loyal to Jesus Christ. These individuals contribute warmth to the mix of lukewarm and fervent believers in the church. It’s Jesus Christ’s responsibility to separate them, not ours. This is why we must endure the “great shaking.”

By saying, “Let’s be part of the triumphant church, but not the militant one,” we essentially keep ourselves lukewarm. We miss the Latter Rain, and the Lord spews us out of his mouth as a result.

Look, I know that this is hard to swallow! And I really don’t like to speak this way to you, my brothers and sisters! But ever since I was born (1956) as the son of an SDA pastor, our problem as a denomination has been that we are not loyal to Jesus Christ and are not militant enough!

By the way, what does the word “militant” mean? If you are militant, It means that you have the “mindset” of a soldier! Are you a “soldier” in the army of Jesus Christ? Are you fully committed to His cause? If not, may I suggest that you do all in your power to become loyal to Him and to DO HIS WILL?

Another Resource: The Church Triumphant

The Melchizedek Message requires us to pay attention to it as it will motivate us to forsake every sin and to demonstrate our love for God and Jesus by obedience to His Law!

The Melchizedek Message places the Love Of God for us and His tender regard for His SDA children directly before our eyes! When I think about how little regard we have shown toward this message, I want to vomit myself!

I need to remember: “I’m upset with myself for my own lukewarmness!”

Brothers and Sisters, we must change direction! We MUST HAVE a very close relationship with God! We MUST put God FIRST! The time for us to “enjoy drifting through a pleasant life” is OVER!

Now we must decide to be either real soldiers of Christ…or to join Satan’s ranks! Remember this: Real soldiers of Christ are going to participate in the “Loud Cry,” which Revelation 14:1-12 and Revelation 18 clearly identify. Yes, this is the most difficult message that we can be assigned to give, but we must deliver it in the love of Christ and in the loudest and straightest manner!

Those faithful soldiers who are ready and willing to give the “Loud Cry” as specified in God’s Holy Word receive the “Latter Rain.” The Latter Rain will never be given under any other circumstance or for ANY OTHER PURPOSE! Soon you will hear otherwise, but don’t be fooled! Now you know why the Latter Rain is given! Our God-given mission is literally to “turn the world upside down”!

This means exposing those who, for literally centuries, have knowingly worked with Lucifer in planning to overthrow the government of God! It is time for them to be thoroughly exposed! This cannot be done effectively without us living a Holy Spirit filled life on a daily basis! It is the Glory of God that exposes these things most effectively, and EVERY SIN must be thoroughly repented and excluded from our lives!

My dear Brothers and Sisters, will you join me in choosing to do God’s Will instead of your own? Will you choose to get rid of every sin that God brings to your attention? Will you make sure that you get the “education” you need to share the “Loud Cry” with others?

The Melchizedek Message is specifically given to motivate us to love God enough to get this job done! What will you do about this?

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