My Angel Witness!

My Angel Witness

My Angel Witness!

Another resource: When I Saw 3 Angels in White Trousers

The picture above is not mine, just got it off the Internet. The point is that angels look just like you and me! Most of the time they won’t show you their wings! They might look young and healthy, but otherwise they look like very normal human beings!

I’m not calling this a “story” because it is TRUE! I know, because it happened to me!

The year was 1989. I was living in a small town called West Point that’s located in the mountains above Sacramento, California. I was driving on a small, two lane highway in the mountains on my way to a job interview and I had gotten lost. So after seeing a very small bus stop, designed for a school bus, I said to myself, maybe I’ll meet someone here and I can ask for directions. But nobody showed up!

So, I prayed to God for help in finding my way. As soon as I finished praying, I noticed several people within a fairly short distance from my car! So, I rolled down the window and tried to ask them for directions. But I was frustrated because they all seemed not to notice my presence, or else seemed like they did not want to talk with me!

The people around my car were very well dressed in normal clothing. The men had very short hair cuts. The women had various lengths of hair. And they all seemed to be on a very important mission of some kind. They were obviously very focused on going somewhere and doing something very important! But they were all going in different directions!

Then I happened to notice that there seemed to be a rapidly increasing number of people and I looked to my left where there were a number of low lying hills that were very barren and dry. There were no houses out there and very few trees and bushes.

But when I looked, there were hundreds of thousands of people, an average of one person to every 10 square feet, covering the hills for as far as my eyes could see! They were all going in different directions, too! They were clearly given different assignments! At that point, I realized that they were angels, and I knew why they preferred not to talk with me! They ALL had jobs to do!

Then I was impressed by God to turn around and go the opposite way I had been traveling on the highway. As soon as I had made a U-turn and started down the highway, ALL of the people disappeared instantly! In other words, ALL of them were angels!

Now then, have you ever felt like there might not be enough angels to properly care for you? You can rest assured that there are PLENTY of them around to care for your every need! It does not matter where you are, or how alone you feel! The angels are ALWAYS there around you! They see everything you do, they know how you think and feel! They are there to protect you from harm and to prompt you to do what is right! Are you going to listen?

I have always remembered this little demonstration of God’s love for me and it gives me comfort to know that I’m not the only one in my area who is witnessing for the Lord! I have an army working with me! They may not be visible, but I know they are there and that they are more hard working than I am! They know what they’re doing, and nothing scares them away from doing their job! Do you think that we might someday start following their example in this regard? I certainly hope so!

Arthur Baldwin

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