Table of Contents
My Brother And My King
This is a song that God gave me to work on. He gave me new words for an old song titled “The Hands Of Time.” The song was initially used as the theme song in the movie “Brian’s Song.”
Another Resource: The Desire Of Ages
Did I Write These Words?
Claiming that “I wrote the words” to this song would be as ridiculous as claiming that I designed the human genome! And yet, at the same time, I realize that God has prepared me step by step for most of my life to write these words eventually! And just today (Tuesday, December 24, 2024), I realized this song has been “scheduled” thousands of years ahead! My part in writing the words and arranging the music is about 2%, and the rest is God’s doing! “I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, until He please.” Song Of Solomon 8:4 KJV This prophecy is NOW fulfilled! And what are these words?
The Idea Behind The Song
The words are divided into two groups: one for the women to sing as they represent Mary Magdalene and one for the men to sing as they represent Jesus!
I Am the hands of time
You’ve hands that I can hold
I'll keep you warm and in my hands
You’ll not turn cold!
Hand in hand we'll walk
Through moments good and bad
A life that’s filled with love
You won’t regret or be so sad!
The smell of flowers born in the spring
The comfort in the sound of a mockingbird
The joy of butterflies on the wing
And most of all the moments your love has touched me!
All my happiness
Is found in your embrace
Your love is found in Me
Your Brother And your King!
The smell of flowers born in the spring
The comfort in the sound of a mockingbird
The joy of butterflies on the wing
And most of all the moments your love has touched me!
All my happiness
Is found in your embrace
Your love is found in Me
Your Brother And your King!
Jesus’ hands of time
Are hands that I can hold
I'll trust in Him and in His hands
I won’t turn cold
Hand in hand we'll walk
Through moments that will last
The lovely moments
That will have no future and no past
The sound of trav'ling birds on the wing
The comfort in the sound of a mockingbird
Your fingerprints on leaves in the spring
And most of all the moments Your love has touched me!
All my happiness
Is found in Your embrace
My love is found in You
My Brother And My King!
The sound of trav'ling birds on the wing
The comfort in the sound of a mockingbird
Your fingerprints on leaves in the spring
And most of all the moments Your love has touched me!
All my happiness
Is found in Your embrace
My love is found in You
My Brother And My King!
(short orchestral interlude)
(the men join here)
My KING!!!
The Reason For This Article
I’m writing this article to help you realize that as useless as your life might feel to you, God has a plan for your life! I know that my favorite EGW quotation is needed right here!
"Satan was permitted to cut short the earthly life of God’s messenger; but that life which “is hid with Christ in God,” the destroyer could not reach. Colossians 3:3. He exulted that he had brought sorrow upon Christ, but he had failed of conquering John. Death itself only placed him forever beyond the power of temptation. In this warfare, Satan was revealing his own character. Before the witnessing universe he made manifest his enmity toward God and man.
Though no miraculous deliverance was granted John, he was not forsaken. He had always the companionship of heavenly angels, who opened to him the prophecies concerning Christ, and the precious promises of Scripture. These were his stay, as they were to be the stay of God’s people through the coming ages. To John the Baptist, as to those that came after him, was given the assurance, “Lo, I am with you all the days, even unto the end.” Matthew 28:20, R. V., margin.
God never leads His children otherwise than they would choose to be led, if they could see the end from the beginning, and discern the glory of the purpose which they are fulfilling as coworkers with Him. Not Enoch, who was translated to heaven, not Elijah, who ascended in a chariot of fire, was greater or more honored than John the Baptist, who perished alone in the dungeon. “Unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for His sake.” Philippians 1:29. And of all the gifts that Heaven can bestow upon men, fellowship with Christ in His sufferings is the most weighty trust and the highest honor."
The Desire Of Ages, by Ellen G. White, pages 224, 225
Do you want to respond to His love? Do it right now. Read The Gospel while you’re making your commitment.
Keep in mind that He has honored you above all you can imagine! For more on this subject, please read several articles on the Melchizedek Message!
Some final thoughts! Mary was the ONLY person in history that “delayed” Jesus! He delayed His visit to God the Father to ensure His sacrifice was entirely accepted until He could comfort His beloved Mary Magdalene! And Mary “belonged” to Jesus! She had been dragged naked before Jesus to be stoned to death due to the betrayal of Simon Iscariot (yes, Judas’ father), her self-appointed “stepfather”! She knew she was guilty and worthy of death. But then she heard those precious words, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more!” From that moment on Mary belonged to Jesus! She did not care about her reputation, safety, or her life. She was dedicated entirely to Jesus! Yes, she fell a few more times but belonged to Him! (see “Now I Belong To Jesus“) Do you belong to Jesus?
Please check out our other Articles!