My Experience With Autism

My Experience With Autism

My Experience With Autism

Hi there, I’m Arthur Baldwin. I had Autism from about 2 years old. I don’t know what caused it, but at a very early age my parents started noticing my abnormal behavior. My parents did not have any experience with autism and had no idea what was wrong with me. They put me through many, many diagnostic medical tests, trying to find the problem, but without success.

They did not treat me any differently than my brother, Melvin. And my external environment was very normal during my childhood.

From personal experience, I know that the one thing which interferes most of all with the education of an autistic child, is the introduction of lies into their education. A person who lies, is not being loyal to the autistic child in their care. It is true that the truth sometimes is going to hurt, but telling the truth is still the very best option! And it always expresses loyalty to the person with whom you are communicating!

During my childhood, I had an important advantage over other autistic children; my parents were both singing evangelists for the Seventh Day Adventist church. If you are not familiar with the SDA church and its teachings, you can easily see them for yourself by visiting the website Adventist.Org and searching for “fundamental beliefs”. All of our doctrines are based upon what the Bible teaches, and none of them are based on church traditions or on the teachings of men.

This gave my parents a very great advantage in helping me mature into a more or less normal child. In public education, parents are forced into exposing their children to a very large amount of blatant lies about all kinds of things that are taught as “facts” in the public schools.

If you saw a cell phone lying in the sand at the beach all by itself, with nobody else close to it, would you say to yourself, “What a nice looking rock formation”? Believing in Evolution is just that stupid!

Genetic mutations always result in a very great loss of genetic information! They also result in the death of the organism that has mutated, not in any special powers gained! Evolution cannot be scientifically supported in ANY logical way, and scientists are very aware of this fact. Yet we are still teaching this blatant lie called Evolution as a “fact”! If you want to see the scientific evidence for Creation there are many resources, most of which can be found on the website AmazingDiscoveries.Org or

So, if you have an autistic child, I would recommend either sending them to a private school, or to “home school” them in your own home. Of course that would also be a great option for your children, even if they don’t have autism!

In growing up, I found my education to be very frustrating at times, especially where the English language was concerned. I found that normal English grammar was not very logical. Sometimes I cried when I had to do my English grammar lessons.

But in 7th grade I had an English teacher who introduced us to “diagramming sentences”. He made learning English grammar a fun exercise! From that point on, I no longer found English to be a major obstacle, but found that writing articles was a great way to benefit my own mental growth. I would highly recommend that your English teacher take a course in diagramming sentences, and that they use that tool in your classroom, even as early as the 5th grade.

Whether you have autism or not, whether you are a girl or a boy, I would highly recommend that you learn a computer programming language of some kind. There are several reasons why I say this. First of all, a computer programming language is many times more logical than any human language on earth, especially English! Second, knowing a computer programming language may get you a better job. Third, the practice of solving problems in a logical manner will help you discover many truths in life, as well as pointing out deceptions along your way!

My next recommendation is that you learn to play a musical instrument! This is very good advice, whether you have autism or not. Both computer programming and playing a musical instrument will optimize your brain’s ability to learn new things.

And finally, the most important recommendation I can give you is to read God’s Word, the Bible, for yourself every day at home. There is nothing as important as this one action for the blessing and growth of your mind. Reading and studying the Bible is more important than having enough food to eat, more important than your income, more important than watching TV, more important than a little extra sleep, and more important than being popular in school!

The Bible is not just words on a page, it is God’s personal love letter to each and every one of you. The Bible is more than just a book, it is the power and life of God Himself flowing into your mind and recreating the image of God in you! If you found the Hope Diamond, laying in your driveway, would you throw it in your trash barrel for the weekly pickup? So why would your neglect the one and only true source of life and personal development; God’s Word?

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