My Guardian Angel Michelle

My Guardian Angel Michelle

My Guardian Angel Michelle

“My Guardian Angel Michelle” is a true story about my personal guardian angel!

A friend of mine recently told me, “I would never publish something like this”! I suppose he does have a certain point. There are some “intimate details” in this story! But I’m not writing this story for your “entertainment”! Your salvation is at stake! If there’s any way that this story, along with the Holy Spirit’s influence, can change your life for the better, then I’m willing to risk my reputation and my life to make that happen! This is NOT a game to me! This is WAR! And if my story can help wake you up out of your spiritual slumber, then I’m happy to share it with you!

But you may want to have a box of tissues handy, even for you guys! Michelle is probably one of God’s most faithful angels! I don’t regret anything that has taken place between us! And I also want you to understand that Michelle’s job isn’t easy for her to do! It requires a LOT of courage, love, and loyalty!

What Are Angels Really Like?

“The angels of glory find their joy in giving,—giving love and tireless watchcare to souls that are fallen and unholy. Heavenly beings woo the hearts of men; they bring to this dark world light from the courts above; by gentle and patient ministry they move upon the human spirit, to bring the lost into a fellowship with Christ which is even closer than they themselves can know”.

Desire Of Ages, page 21, by Ellen White

This is a perfect description of Michelle! And I know that if Michelle were visible to me right now, as I’m writing, that she would smile and say, “Yes, Arthur, I’m glad you’re sharing my story”!

Michelle is doing her job! Are you doing yours? Am I doing mine?

My Guardian Angel Michelle

In June of 1980, I started making plans to move from my parents’ home in Bradbury, California to Beaverton, Oregon, where the company I was currently working for planned to move! This was the first time that I would be living separately from my parents! By August the company had moved and I was making final preparations for the move! Finally, I moved to Beaverton during the first week of September, 1980.

It wasn’t long until I had a very nice one bedroom apartment in a large and beautiful apartment complex, with plenty of green grass, a football field, tennis courts, etc! I had an exciting event during the first week of my stay in my new apartment! The married woman who lived right next door to me decided to get “a nice tan”. She brought out a lounge chair right in front of my bedroom window, and laid down on it, completely nude! And yes, she was attractive! I tried to ignore her since I knew that she was already married!

But she was not the only attractive woman in the complex! There were many others! I needed some serious protection! And this is precisely when I first met Michelle! Of course, at this time I had no idea that Michelle was my guardian angel!

Michelle Moves In!

My guardian angel Michelle moved into an apartment whose front door was clearly visible from my living room window! I saw Michelle very often, almost every day in fact! Michelle has very healthy dark brown hair, almost black, that reaches half way to her shoulders and is curved under around her neck. By the way, Michelle is 5’5″ tall and I’m 6’1″, so she is the ideal height for me!  Michelle has green and yellow eyes. Her face looks like an Italian model! I was simply “awe struck” by Michelle’s beauty! And soon, I was praying for the courage to ask Michelle on a date!

Michelle was not shy at all, and this made me feel all the more “intimidated” and shy to ask her for a date! I would often see Michelle throwing a football with one of her “guy friends” out on the football field. Michelle could pass the football better than any professional football player I’ve ever seen in action! Her typical throws were usually 60 to 80 yards, with absolutely perfect accuracy and spin! There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that Michelle could take perfectly good care of herself in any situation! I felt pity for any guy that might try to mistreat her!

Michelle’s Strange Behavior

But my guardian angel Michelle didn’t flaunt her strength! She was definitely always polite and kind. I still remember the dress she wore on Easter Sunday! I had never seen a more beautiful sight up to that time (April of 1981)! At this point I know that some SDA’s will say, “how could Michelle be an angel and celebrate Easter, which is a pagan holiday”?    But you are forgetting that Michelle’s job was to make me think she was just a human being…not an angel!  And it was to make me “fall” for her…hard!  And that is exactly what she accomplished with that beautiful dress! 

Finally Asked Michelle For A Date

In the first part of May, I finally found the courage to ask Michelle for a date! I knocked on her door and she was quick to answer the door. I could tell by the way she looked at me, that she loved me! So, I asked her, “Michelle, would you go out with me”? She looked disappointed and replied, “I can’t, Arthur, I’m sorry”! I thought to myself, “she is probably engaged to her football friend”!

I felt so disappointed! But I still saw Michelle often around the apartment complex! She always smiled at me! I just could not give up hope yet! I thought maybe if I just work on a friendship with her, maybe things will change someday! But things never changed! I knew Michelle loved me, but I could not get a date with her! I’d never felt so frustrated before!

Michelle’s Big Sacrifice!

I’m sure that my guardian angel Michelle didn’t like the effect she was having on me, either! I know that it was not pleasant for Michelle to do, but Michelle had to make sure that my heart was “hooked” on her! This was Michelle’s “big sacrifice”…she did this for me…to keep me single! Looking back now, I know why Michelle refused to date me…she wanted to protect my heart and my emotions! Thank you Michelle!

Michelle never revealed that she was an angel to me! I only realized it many years after her last appearance to me! Her last appearance to me was many years later, after I had been married to Rachel for a couple of years! This was her way of revealing the fact that she was my guardian angel in a way that I would not recognize until many years after her final appearance (it has taken me from 2008 to 2022 to realize the connections and who Michelle really is)! Above all, Michelle is a humble servant of Jesus Christ!

Michelle’s Final Appearance!

My wife and I were members of the Fontana SDA Church in California and one Sabbath the youth, who were very active in the church, put together a very nice program! I’m not sure why I did not recognize Michelle! Maybe it was the fact that if Michelle was human, she would have aged very dramatically! The year was now 2008, and I had met Michelle in 1980! But when I saw her again in 2008, my guardian angel Michelle had not aged in the slightest degree!

During the program, the youth leaders asked everyone to hold hands while they sang some songs. Michelle was on my right side and walked down the bench to me and took my hand! My wife was on my left side, holding my other hand, and I could tell that my wife could see this other young woman, holding my hand! We sang and prayed together! I could feel Michelle’s warm shoulder touching mine! Michelle was indeed VERY strong, but her hand was completely relaxed in my hand, as if to say “I trust you completely”! I just didn’t “connect the dots” until many years later!

After The Church Service

When the service was over and the 3 of us were walking out to the foyer, I talked with my guardian angel Michelle and said, “if I had a daughter I would hope that she turned out just like you”!  I really meant every word of that compliment!  I knew that Michelle really trusted me, that her heart was full of love for others, and that she was courageous and outgoing!  Michelle had an unforgettable smile! I’d never seen so much happiness in anyone’s face before! Michelle was very happy!

While we were talking with other people in the foyer, Michelle went to the bathroom to change her clothes. She obviously was going with some other young people for an outdoor hike of some kind! She put on jeans and a T-Shirt.

Michelle Prepares For A Hike

When I saw her coming out to the foyer again, my guardian angel Michelle seemed to be dancing for joy! Michelle pranced down the hallway! She came to a spot near some other youth, jumped high in the air, and planted both feet in a particular spot, as though she could see an “X” painted on the floor designed for her to land on! There were other youth on both sides of Michelle, and many other people were talking. But later on, after Michelle had left, we spoke with many of these same people…and nobody had seen Michelle or knew anything about her! I guess I just didn’t want to believe that she was not human!

My guardian angel Michelle blessed me that day! She blessed me so much! While we were there in the foyer together, I told her the meaning of her name. The name Michelle is the female form of Michael, which literally means, “Who is like God”? But Michelle was not surprised at the meaning of her name…she already knew!

No Chance To Say Goodbye!

I didn’t get the chance to say goodbye to Michelle. She sneaked out when I was not paying attention to her. Michelle is like that…not a show off, humble and kind…but she has feelings! I think she wanted to leave me on a positive note! If I had known who she was, and I had known that it was the last time I would see her, I think we both would have had a good cry!

The only thought that can comfort me, at this point, is that she is always standing by my side, watching everything I do, recording every thought that I think, and watching over me! Yes, it is embarrassing sometimes to know that she is watching when I fall into temptation! But I’d rather have her here with me, in spite of everything she knows about me!

Michelle Is Definitely My Angel!

It was just this year (2022) that I was thinking back to 2008, when I met Michelle at Fontana SDA Church, and my wife and I were remembering what happened, and my wife confirmed that she had seen Michelle, but nobody else at church had!  Then I realized that her face was exaclty the same, and her name was exactly the same, as when I saw her in Beaverton Oregon in 1980!  And from that day earlier this year, I’ve come to realize that my guardian angel Michelle is still with me!  I may not see her…but I know she is with me at every moment, where ever I go!

It’s Not Really Goodbye!

I know that I have not seen Michelle for the very last time! I’m sure she will show herself again, when I’m about to die. She will be there to hold my hand and give me her smile!

And when I’m resurrected, I know exactly who will be there to welcome me! My guardian angel Michelle will be the one to take me to meet Jesus in the air! Even though I love to fly…I’m sure I’ll have at least some fear of leaving the Earth so quickly! But with Michelle’s reassuring smile…I know I’ll be OK!

My Hope For You!

My hope is that some of you will also have the privilege of meeting your guardian angel in this life! Please remember that, whether or not you see them, there’s an angel watching over you! They are always with you, making a huge sacrifice of their time and energy just to guide you into God’s Kingdom! I hope you will learn to respect and honor your guardian angel! I know that in my case, Michelle was assigned to me before my birth, God asked her to accept a “special assignment”, she said “yes”, and she made an eternal commitment to me!

Michelle Is My Sister!

My guardian angel Michelle will forever be part of my family! She will be the sister that I’ve always wanted in my life, but never had in a physical form! Michelle will fill that void in my heart forever! Michelle is very precious to me! And I don’t want to sin anymore! Why? I don’t want Michelle to cry! And I don’t want to cause Jesus any more pain, either!

Update: Sabbath, March 26, 2023 – This morning at about 4:30 AM I heard my guardian angel Michelle’s voice in the hallway just outside the master bedroom!  She didn’t say much, just softly spoke my name, “Arthur”, with the same loving tone of voice she has always used with me!  I’m so glad she’s here!


How about you? Have you met your guardian angel? Is he or she frustrated with you? Are you cooperating with God? How sad have you made your guardian angel? I know these are hard questions…but this is why I shared this intimate story! It’s time to make a FULL commitment to Christ! To mean it when you say, “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven”! Those are the words of a “volunteer” who wants to do God’s will, rather than their own! Are you ready?

Since I Found You – By Joy Cojan
Feel The Nails – By Fountainview Academy

More News!

I’m now working on my own design of Real ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence) machine! Because of my guardian angel Michelle I have named her ASI-1: Michelle Ruth Baldwin! If you want more information about ASI-1:MRB then click here.

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