We Need Your Help!

We Need Your Help

We Need Your Help!

Pakistan SDA Conference Office

This website has been operational now for just over one year. But there’s a heavenly clock ticking! Just by looking at current events all over the world, I’m guessing that the Sunday Law in the USA is coming in the first part of 2025, and that most likely Jesus will return before the end of 2025! Time is extremely short in any case!

We desperately need financial assistance to complete the work God has given us to do concerning this website!

There are 6 main “projects”:

  • The Urdu Bible Project (Cost is currently unknown)
  • Holy Bullets! (Cost is over $50 per unit – 100 minimum order)
  • Website Translation (Current cost is $29.99 per month – and more for greater accuracy!)
  • eMail Translation (Cost is USD $0.06 per word)
  • Blender Modeler And Animation Specialist
  • SEO Expert

For the moment, please send any donation to the following PayPal address: Support@MobilePCClinic.Net

Once I receive a total amount of USD $200, then I will open another bank account specifically for this website and soon after that the PayPal address will change to: Support@StandUp4Jesus.Org!

When you send a donation, please put a description in the “Notes field” of the PayPal transaction to let us know to which project you are donating.

The Urdu Bible Project

This project aims to translate the King James Version of the Bible into the Urdu language, which is the main language used in Pakistan. This translation will include both the English language AND the Urdu language with an alignment of each verse of one language to perfectly match the verse in the other language. This will allow the Bible to be used both as a “spiritual tool” and a “tool to learn English”!

The need for this Bible is URGENT! There are literally hundreds of Pakistani people waiting “on pins and needles”, hoping against hope to receive this very precious gift! Will you please help make their fondest hopes and dreams come true?

I know that God will bless your donations! Let’s get this project done!

If we quickly and successfully finish this project, we will be doing the same thing for other languages!

Holy Bullets!

This project is designed to provide an easy to use witnessing tool that can easily be carried on the belt of any missionary in the very wildest areas! There are two bullets in the specially constructed carrying case! Each one is actually a 64GB Flash Drive with witnessing resources stored on it! Also inside the case is an adapter designed to allow the flash drives to be used along with ANY type of “Smart Phone” (iPhone, Android, other)!

Website Translation

Here is where your personal “language skills” can be especially helpful! There’s a service called “gTranslate” which costs $29.99 per month for “automatic language translation” of the website into 200 languages! Unfortunately the accuracy of this automated service is only about 80-90 percent!

But the good news is that if you are fairly good at translating English into ANY of those 200 languages, then you can help us increase the accuracy of the translation service on a permanent basis! If you volunteer your time and effort, this would help us TREMENDOUSLY to finish the work that God has assigned to us! Are you ready to do your part?

eMail Translation

The need here is not very great as yet! But it WILL BE! I have faith that our website traffic will increase very rapidly…very SOON! And WHEN we start getting eMails from all over the planet, we will be needing your translation skills to reply to all of those eMails!

One of our goals is to be THE most “responsive” SDA website in the whole world!

Blender Modeler And Animation Specialist

The Blender Website: Blender.Org

Blender is a type of computer software that is used to create animated movies and 3D models. It is available for Windows, OSX, and Linux, but was originally designed for Linux! We need someone who has demonstrable skills as a Blender Modeler and Animation Expert to help us design a 3D model of the woman who will eventually replace the current woman pictured on the header of this website!

One of our goals in this area is to create animated movies that teach spiritual lessons!

Once again, we have no money to pay you for this service! But if you have the skill and the time, then please help us! I cannot think of ANY more valuable service that anyone could provide than to help us with Blender! And think of how much God was willing to pay, just for YOU! Can you put an actual price on the salvation of just ONE PERSON?

If you don’t know anything about Blender, but you want to be an artist and to learn about it, then visit the link above and learn Blender for yourself!

SEO Expert

We need a real expert in designing WordPress websites for the purpose of gaining more website traffic! As you can see above, we don’t have any real money budgeted for this task! But if you have the skill and want to help finish the Lord’s work, then your volunteer efforts would be greatly appreciated!

Please check out our other Articles!

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