What Is Christmas?

What Is Christmas?

What Is Christmas?

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve celebrated Christmas most of my life. But I’ve never believed in Santa Claus, flying Reindeer, etc. This website is all about “Standing Up For Jesus,” however, and December 25 has NOTHING to do with the birth of Jesus Christ and EVERYTHING to do with the ENEMIES of Jesus Christ! So, I’m going to educate you about the realities of Christmas in this article because I’ve grown tired of all the lies coming from the enemies of God! Are you ready?

In 1983, My Life Changed!

1983, I read “All In The Name Of The Lord” Books 1 and 2. Book 2 deals more with Easter and other holidays. William (Bill) Stringfellow wrote these two books; I highly recommend reading them! Unfortunately, it appears as though his writings are disappearing quickly! These two books are no longer in print. You can still find them on eBay, however. Google Books has them, but they have no plans to make an eBook with them. So they apparently will soon “be no more”!

“Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it”! And this well-known adage applies very well in this case! I just ordered both books on eBay, and I will re-enter all of each book’s contents into a document. I will then create a PDF version of both books that I will have somewhere on this website so that you can read them if you can’t find them anywhere else!

In this article,, I will give you the “condensed version” of what is mostly contained in the first book of the set. Some of the details may be from the second volume. I don’t remember clearly whether some details came from Volume 1 or 2. Some of what I’ll be saying came from my own research into this subject from other online resources.

Nimrod And Semiramis

It all began with Nimrod and his wife, Semiramis! The Bible mentions Nimrod in Genesis 10.

"And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord.  And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.  Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah, and Resen between Nineveh and Calah: the same is a great city".  Genesis 10:8-12  KJV

In the above reference, in verse 9 it says twice “Nimrod was a mighty hunter before the Lord”. But this verbage is “Old English”. What this phrase is saying is “Nimrod was a mighty hunter whose authority was above or in place of the Lord”! Of course, God’s Word would never admit that Nimrod’s authority was actually above God’s authority! But this is just a way of identifying Nimrod as someone who was thought of, by many people in his time, as a “god”!

Semiramis The Story Teller!

It was Semiramis, Nimrod’s wife, who was an interesting and captivating storyteller! She was also a gorgeous woman! And it was Semiramis’ extraordinary “storytelling” ability that convinced the people of both Nimrod’s and Semiramis’ status as “gods”! Of course, her stories were all lies! She was the one who invented the “flat Earth” idea, which the Bible does NOT teach!

Anyway, let’s see how short I can make this story! Semiramis’ top priority was maintaining her status as a “goddess”! And one day, Semiramis’ father caught Nimrod in bed with someone besides Semiramis! So…he killed Nimrod and cut him up into little pieces and sent a box containing each piece by messenger to all of the important people in the “kingdom” to prove that Nimrod was NOT a “god”! But when Semiramis found out what her father had done, she panicked because she did not want to lose her status as a “goddess”! So she sent out her faithful messengers to retrieve the pieces of Nimrod before they could reach their intended recipients!

Unfortunately, she was unsuccessful at retrieving Nimrod’s “pecker”! And, of course, Semiramis told another story that elevated this “missing piece” to an object of worship! The “Washinton Monument” is one such symbol. And there’s another in Vatican City!

Mary Isn’t Mary!

The statues that people call “Mary and the baby Jesus” represent Semiramis and her illegitimate child named “Tammuz”! And Tammuz’s birthday is on…you guessed it, December 25! Tammuz’ father’s real identity is unknown. However, we do know that Nimrod died before having the chance to get Semiramis pregnant! Semiramis claimed that “Nimrod, the sun god, made her pregnant while she was sunbathing”. Occultists believe that this “virgin birth” is superior to the actual virgin birth of Jesus Christ!

The “final touch” of evil is that the cross on which Jesus was crucified was like the letter “T,” which stood for the power and authority of Tammuz, the “virgin born” son of Nimrod, the sun god, and Semiramis!

From Nauseating To Awesome!

When I first read the book “All In The Name Of The Lord” and realized this, I almost literally threw up! How dare we treat Jesus like that?

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God”. Hebrews 2:12 KJV Now, does this verse make more sense? What a blessed and merciful God we serve!

Celebrate Christmas?

I’m not trying to convince you to stop celebrating Christmas! We don’t know precisely when Jesus was born, but there’s at least a 95% chance that He was born sometime in March! That’s not important. What IS essential is Who Jesus IS and What He has done for you and me! But let’s stop pretending that Santa Claus exists and that Jesus was born on December 25 when we know that it’s the birthday of an “anti-Christ” named Tammuz! The way that people act at Christmas time is the way that all true followers of Christ should act every day of the year!

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